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Report T3- State-wise, Year-wise Targets on Output Outcome Monitoring Framework(OOMF) Indicators
Report T3- State-wise, Year-wise Targets on Output Outcome Monitoring Framework(OOMF) Indicators

State * Financial Year *

Report as on: 20/01/2025 11:16 AM

State : --All State--   Financial Year : --All Financial Year--
S.No. Name of the Activity (April-June) (July-September) (October-December) (January-March) Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Area of degraded land covered/Rainfed area developed (in ha.) 56306.26 50750.64 55841.84 78050.45 240949.19
2 Area covered with soil and moisture conservation activities (in ha.) 25187.97 18567.55 25802.00 37131.99 106689.51
3 Area brought under plantation (Afforestation/Horticulture) (in ha.) 10887.19 26916.56 9519.56 8125.29 55448.60
4 No. of water harvesting structure (created/renovated) 17460.00 14475.00 19497.00 25258.00 76690.00
5 No. of farmers benefitted 103301.00 109159.00 130655.00 158302.00 501417.00
6 Area brought under protective irrigation (created/renovated) (in ha.) 8974.67 6207.84 11625.51 21228.07 48036.09
7 No. of man-days generated 2427166.00 4621589.00 2760185.00 2829246.00 12638186.00
8 Additional area brought under diversified crops/change in cropping system (in ha.) 9888.60 9024.41 8723.39 7873.93 35510.33
9 Area brought from no crop/single crop to single/multiple crop (in ha.) 9543.68 9656.48 12577.36 11679.72 43457.24
10 Increase in cropped area (in ha.) 11403.67 10966.65 13424.96 11755.78 47551.06
11 Increase in farmers income (per annum) (%) 92596.56 42481.35 53772.65 72410.93 261261.49