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Report O6- Project wise Distribution of Area According to Irrigation Status, Ownership Status, Land Classification and No of Crops as On Date

Report as on: 04/12/2024 02:40 PM

State:  MADHYA PRADESH  District:  KHARGONE All area in ha.
S.No. Project Name Total Project Area Plot Area Irrigation Status(Area) Ownership(Area) Classification of Land(Area) No. of Crops(Area)
Protective Irrigation Assured Irrigation No Irrigation Private Government Community Others Culturable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Land Forest Land Others No Crops Single Crops Double Crops Multiple Crops
Plantation No Plantation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 KHARGONE-WDC - 1 /2021-22 6,114.0000 6,114.1740 4,019.7230 38.0680 2,056.3830 4,810.8550 1,294.8290 0.0000 8.4900 203.1270 369.4080 4,771.9300 0.0000 481.6800 288.0290 828.5480 4,056.8820 748.9340 0.0000
2 KHARGONE-WDC - 2 /2021-22 6,975.0000 6,974.4200 1,181.1270 3.3410 5,789.9520 2,318.8990 543.4750 0.0000 4,112.0460 99.9400 136.3150 2,569.4870 526.3610 3,479.5890 162.7280 661.6000 1,857.7810 449.0890 0.0000
Grand Total 13,089.0000 13,088.5940 5,200.8500 41.4090 7,846.3350 7,129.7540 1,838.3040 0.0000 4,120.5360 303.0670 505.7230 7,341.4170 526.3610 3,961.2690 450.7570 1,490.1480 5,914.6630 1,198.0230 0.0000