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Report O6- Project wise Distribution of Area According to Irrigation Status, Ownership Status, Land Classification and No of Crops as On Date

Report as on: 04/12/2024 02:03 PM

State:  BIHAR  District:  ROHTAS All area in ha.
S.No. Project Name Total Project Area Plot Area Irrigation Status(Area) Ownership(Area) Classification of Land(Area) No. of Crops(Area)
Protective Irrigation Assured Irrigation No Irrigation Private Government Community Others Culturable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Land Forest Land Others No Crops Single Crops Double Crops Multiple Crops
Plantation No Plantation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 ROHTAS-WDC - 1 /2021-22 3,330.0000 2,244.6707 1,433.1387 1.9393 809.5927 1,320.8144 915.9131 7.8632 0.0800 2.2800 3.0541 1,463.3945 0.0000 380.9908 394.9513 643.9361 397.0863 822.6575 0.0000
2 ROHTAS-WDC - 2 /2021-22 4,522.0000 2,963.3833 1,150.3844 0.1789 1,812.8200 1,374.6062 1,587.9885 0.6586 0.1300 0.5200 52.4574 1,135.0477 0.0000 844.5258 930.8324 969.9710 258.4898 890.3967 0.0000
3 ROHTAS-WDC - 3 /2021-22 4,025.0000 4,016.0119 2,932.0211 0.1030 1,083.8878 1,838.9131 2,163.3248 0.0200 13.7540 17.1600 128.5558 1,819.5702 411.8367 371.5710 1,267.3182 1,477.5189 1,212.8047 542.2806 0.0000
Grand Total 11,877.0000 9,224.0659 5,515.5442 2.2212 3,706.3005 4,534.3337 4,667.2264 8.5418 13.9640 19.9600 184.0673 4,418.0124 411.8367 1,597.0876 2,593.1019 3,091.4260 1,868.3808 2,255.3348 0.0000