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Report O6- Project wise Distribution of Area According to Irrigation Status, Ownership Status, Land Classification and No of Crops as On Date

Report as on: 17/09/2024 01:12 AM

State:  UTTAR PRADESH  District:  VARANASI All area in ha.
S.No. Project Name Total Project Area Plot Area Irrigation Status(Area) Ownership(Area) Classification of Land(Area) No. of Crops(Area)
Protective Irrigation Assured Irrigation No Irrigation Private Government Community Others Culturable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Land Forest Land Others No Crops Single Crops Double Crops Multiple Crops
Plantation No Plantation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 VARANASI-WDC - 1 /2021-22 5,200.0000 5,200.0000 5,002.3362 2.1550 195.5088 5,050.2650 79.4710 57.3740 12.8900 174.5871 69.3038 4,876.6051 0.0360 0.0000 79.4680 305.9609 2,664.9718 2,229.0313 0.0000
2 VARANASI-WDC - 2 /2021-22 5,260.0000 5,260.0000 4,974.7939 4.2480 280.9581 5,090.4095 106.3331 22.5644 40.6930 304.0155 121.0731 4,734.5189 1.2360 0.0000 99.1565 560.1010 3,609.9622 1,088.7008 0.0000
Grand Total 10,460.0000 10,460.0000 9,977.1301 6.4030 476.4669 10,140.6745 185.8041 79.9384 53.5830 478.6026 190.3769 9,611.1240 1.2720 0.0000 178.6245 866.0619 6,274.9340 3,317.7321 0.0000