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Report O6- Project wise Distribution of Area According to Irrigation Status, Ownership Status, Land Classification and No of Crops as On Date

Report as on: 17/09/2024 01:07 AM

State:  RAJASTHAN  District:  JHALAWAR All area in ha.
S.No. Project Name Total Project Area Plot Area Irrigation Status(Area) Ownership(Area) Classification of Land(Area) No. of Crops(Area)
Protective Irrigation Assured Irrigation No Irrigation Private Government Community Others Culturable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Land Forest Land Others No Crops Single Crops Double Crops Multiple Crops
Plantation No Plantation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 JHALAWAR-WDC - 1 /2021-22 4,880.0000 4,880.0000 3,655.1439 0.0900 1,224.7661 3,518.3553 1,360.8785 0.0000 0.7662 6.1868 1.9668 3,458.4452 0.0000 0.0000 1,413.4012 1,415.7440 115.9017 3,344.5664 3.7879
2 JHALAWAR-WDC - 2 /2021-22 4,210.0000 4,210.0000 3,144.5281 18.6266 1,046.8453 3,194.9175 579.3114 1.6565 434.1146 30.8413 3.5027 2,718.3159 0.0000 0.0000 1,457.3401 1,057.8464 45.9892 3,106.1644 0.0000
3 JHALAWAR-WDC - 3 /2021-22 5,220.0000 5,220.0885 2,436.5611 979.4993 1,804.0281 3,572.5482 1,647.3253 0.0000 0.2150 257.0238 0.3794 3,156.9334 0.0000 0.0000 1,805.7519 1,889.9513 61.6505 3,268.4867 0.0000
4 JHALAWAR-WDC - 4 /2021-22 4,830.0000 4,830.0000 4,241.0598 5.7919 583.1483 4,361.9509 467.3788 0.0000 0.6703 107.7097 1.5175 119.1059 0.0000 0.0000 4,601.6669 539.2343 121.6623 4,169.1034 0.0000
Grand Total 19,140.0000 19,140.0885 13,477.2929 1,004.0078 4,658.7878 14,647.7719 4,054.8940 1.6565 435.7661 401.7616 7.3664 9,452.8004 0.0000 0.0000 9,278.1601 4,902.7760 345.2037 13,888.3209 3.7879