A- A A+ English Hindi
Report O6- District wise Distribution of Area According to Irrigation Status, Ownership Status, Land Classification and No of Crops as On Date

Report as on: 08/09/2024 07:04 AM

State:  TRIPURA All area in ha.
S.No. District Total Project Area Plot Area Irrigation Status(Area) Ownership(Area) Classification of Land(Area) No. of Crops(Area)
Protective Irrigation Assured Irrigation No Irrigation Private Government Community Others Culturable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Land Forest Land Others No Crops Single Crops Double Crops Multiple Crops
Plantation No Plantation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 Dhalai 5,246.0000 5,246.0000 4,095.9600 35.2700 1,114.7700 3,229.5500 833.2000 1,152.5500 30.5400 127.6800 91.0100 2,521.5300 1,546.1000 719.9800 239.5400 301.6400 2,700.9600 13.4900 0.0000
2 Gomati 7,842.0000 7,842.0000 3,647.3840 662.2540 3,532.3620 6,037.8700 205.8200 1,425.4600 163.9300 767.7000 310.7600 5,611.6900 382.0600 372.1100 388.7600 1,424.6820 5,341.5880 328.5200 6.4200
3 Khowai 5,270.0000 5,270.0000 4,094.7600 1.2400 1,174.0000 3,995.8600 308.1300 878.5700 68.8400 292.4400 465.8000 3,994.7200 147.2000 220.8700 130.3700 953.5300 3,961.3200 34.1200 0.0000
4 North Tripura 1,542.0000 1,542.0000 413.1700 0.0000 1,128.8300 575.1700 50.0150 913.5350 0.0000 238.4400 383.1200 466.3850 234.4800 166.6000 49.6950 788.4700 296.5100 113.4600 0.0000
5 Sepahijala 3,029.0000 3,029.0000 1,225.6400 22.2000 1,781.1600 2,182.1000 0.0000 759.2200 87.4800 40.2000 127.4200 2,234.4300 222.0000 238.1200 166.6300 434.9400 2,042.1000 91.6400 0.0000
6 South Tripura 3,562.0000 3,562.0000 1,354.4871 1,292.4752 915.0377 2,639.1746 203.6667 54.1000 664.8287 1,184.9104 74.7448 1,438.4622 0.0000 820.1224 43.5302 131.4520 2,542.8256 80.6690 0.0000
7 Unakoti 1,536.0000 1,536.0000 596.2400 0.0000 939.7600 596.2400 57.2700 518.0000 364.4900 263.1600 64.5400 738.7600 112.0000 0.0000 357.5400 684.7600 725.5500 13.6900 0.0000
8 West Tripura 3,973.0000 3,973.0000 2,376.2600 16.3900 1,580.3500 2,942.9400 210.2700 540.4700 276.7600 334.8700 324.9100 2,217.0200 463.4400 352.3900 277.8100 999.6300 2,081.7000 101.1400 11.6900
Grand Total 32,000.0000 32,000.0000 17,803.9011 2,029.8292 12,166.2697 22,198.9046 1,868.3717 6,241.9050 1,656.8687 3,249.4004 1,842.3048 19,222.9972 3,107.2800 2,890.1924 1,653.8752 5,719.1040 19,692.5536 776.7290 18.1100