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Report-O4(ProjectDetail) Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status for Project

Report as on: 05/02/2025 11:25 PM

District:- NASHIK
Project:- NASHIK-WDC - 2 /2021-22
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 11 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Vijay Nivrutti More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 41000.00 943,000
Total1.0000 23.00 41000.00943,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 11 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Vijay Nivrutti More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 41000.00 943,000
Total1.0000 23.00 41000.00943,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 110 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Prakash Nivrutti More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 42000.00 924,000
Total1.0000 22.00 42000.00924,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 110 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Prakash Nivrutti More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 42000.00 924,000
Total1.0000 22.00 42000.00924,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 112 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Mandabai Dnyaneshwar More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 43000.00 946,000
Total1.0000 22.00 43000.00946,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 112 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Mandabai Dnyaneshwar More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 43000.00 946,000
Total1.0000 22.00 43000.00946,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 115 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Nirmala Sampat Jadhav Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 115 0.5000 No Irrigation Private Nirmala Sampat Jadhav Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 139 3.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Gangadhar Lahanu Bhoye Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 22.00 4200.00 277,200
Total3.0000 22.00 4200.00277,200
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 139 3.0000 No Irrigation Private Gangadhar Lahanu Bhoye Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 22.00 4200.00 277,200
Total3.0000 22.00 4200.00277,200
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 140 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Chandrkant Bhikaji Gawade Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 43000.00 903,000
Total1.0000 21.00 43000.00903,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 140 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Chandrkant Bhikaji Gawade Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 43000.00 903,000
Total1.0000 21.00 43000.00903,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 145 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Yashwant tulshiram Thepne Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 145 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Yashwant tulshiram Thepne Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 152/2 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Mukund Rajaram More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 152/2 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Mukund Rajaram More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 152/3 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Raghunath Rajaram More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Total2.0000 21.00 4300.00180,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 152/3 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Raghunath Rajaram More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Total2.0000 21.00 4300.00180,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 152/3/ 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private SHUBHAM RAGHUNATH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 38.00 9500.00 144,400
Total0.4000 38.00 9500.00144,400
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 152/3/ 0.5000 No Irrigation Private SHUBHAM RAGHUNATH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 38.00 9500.00 144,400
Total0.4000 38.00 9500.00144,400
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 157 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private JAYWANT CHANDAR PAGARE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 32.00 8000.00 102,400
Total0.4000 32.00 8000.00102,400
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 157 0.5000 No Irrigation Private JAYWANT CHANDAR PAGARE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 32.00 8000.00 102,400
Total0.4000 32.00 8000.00102,400
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 158/A 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Ramdas Kahsinath Kekane Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 158/A 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Ramdas Kahsinath Kekane Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 158/B 4.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Ramdas Kahsinath Kekane Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 22.00 4200.00 369,600
Total4.0000 22.00 4200.00369,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 158/B 4.0000 No Irrigation Private Ramdas Kahsinath Kekane Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 22.00 4200.00 369,600
Total4.0000 22.00 4200.00369,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 166 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Rajaram Ganu More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 4200.00 92,400
Total1.0000 22.00 4200.0092,400
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 166 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Rajaram Ganu More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 4200.00 92,400
Total1.0000 22.00 4200.0092,400
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 166/ 4.6400
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAJARAM GANU MORE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 166/ 4.6400 Protective Irrigation Private RAJARAM GANU MORE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 169 1.4600
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private SHANKUNTALA NANDU MORE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.4100 23.00 4600.00 149,178
Total1.4100 23.00 4600.00149,178
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 169 1.4600 No Irrigation Private SHANKUNTALA NANDU MORE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.4100 23.00 4600.00 149,178
Total1.4100 23.00 4600.00149,178
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 20 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private Indubai Ramnath More Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 12.00 70000.00 420,000
Total0.5000 12.00 70000.00420,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 20 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private Indubai Ramnath More Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 12.00 70000.00 420,000
Total0.5000 12.00 70000.00420,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 203 2.3600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private Sangita Punjaram More Rainfed Single Crop Others 2.3600 33.00 15000.00 1,168,200
Total2.3600 33.00 15000.001,168,200
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 203 2.3600 Protective Irrigation Private Sangita Punjaram More Rainfed Single Crop Others 2.3600 33.00 15000.00 1,168,200
Total2.3600 33.00 15000.001,168,200
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 203/ 2.3600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Kharif Oilseeds 0.5000 16.00 7200.00 57,600
Total1.5000 39.00 11400.00154,200
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 203/ 2.3600 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Kharif Oilseeds 0.5000 16.00 7200.00 57,600
Total1.5000 39.00 11400.00154,200
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 23 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Majorsing Dhannasing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 23 0.5000 No Irrigation Private Majorsing Dhannasing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 246 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Alka Aabaji More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 41000.00 688,800
Total0.8000 21.00 41000.00688,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 246 0.8000 No Irrigation Private Alka Aabaji More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 41000.00 688,800
Total0.8000 21.00 41000.00688,800
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 26 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Hujursing Dilipsing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4100.00 75,440
Total0.8000 23.00 4100.0075,440
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 26 0.8000 No Irrigation Private Hujursing Dilipsing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4100.00 75,440
Total0.8000 23.00 4100.0075,440
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 27 2.4000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Sunil Kachru More, Anil Kachru More, Bidarlal Mulkhatraj Sharma Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.4000 22.00 4200.00 221,760
Total2.4000 22.00 4200.00221,760
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 27 2.4000 No Irrigation Private Sunil Kachru More, Anil Kachru More, Bidarlal Mulkhatraj Sharma Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.4000 22.00 4200.00 221,760
Total2.4000 22.00 4200.00221,760
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 28 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Nivrutti Sitaram Charoskar & Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Total1.0000 23.00 4100.0094,300
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 28 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Nivrutti Sitaram Charoskar & Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Total1.0000 23.00 4100.0094,300
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 29 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Ranjana Pundlik More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 29 0.5000 No Irrigation Private Ranjana Pundlik More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 299 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Raoji Balvant More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 299 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Raoji Balvant More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 30 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Gurpritsing Nachhatri Sing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 30 0.5000 No Irrigation Private Gurpritsing Nachhatri Sing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 302 4.9700
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private HIRAMAN MORE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 302 4.9700 Protective Irrigation Private HIRAMAN MORE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 304 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Ankush Ramnath More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Total2.0000 21.00 4300.00180,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 304 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Ankush Ramnath More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Total2.0000 21.00 4300.00180,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 31 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Majorsing Dhannasing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 22.00 4200.00 46,200
Total0.5000 22.00 4200.0046,200
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 31 0.5000 No Irrigation Private Majorsing Dhannasing Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 22.00 4200.00 46,200
Total0.5000 22.00 4200.0046,200
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 32 2.4000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private ANANDA GANGADHAR DAGALE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.1000 23.00 4200.00 202,860
Total2.1000 23.00 4200.00202,860
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 32 2.4000 No Irrigation Private ANANDA GANGADHAR DAGALE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.1000 23.00 4200.00 202,860
Total2.1000 23.00 4200.00202,860
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 33 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Gurpritsing Nachhatrising Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4200.00 70,560
Total0.8000 21.00 4200.0070,560
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 33 0.8000 No Irrigation Private Gurpritsing Nachhatrising Bhullar Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4200.00 70,560
Total0.8000 21.00 4200.0070,560
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 347 4.5700
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN BATASHE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 347 4.5700 Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN BATASHE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 35 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Rama Pandu Chaudary and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 35 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Rama Pandu Chaudary and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 354 8.1600
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Ratan Shripat There and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 8.1600 21.00 4100.00 702,576
Total8.1600 21.00 4100.00702,576
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 354 8.1600 No Irrigation Private Ratan Shripat There and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 8.1600 21.00 4100.00 702,576
Total8.1600 21.00 4100.00702,576
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 36 2.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Punja Pandurang Chaudhari and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 22.00 4200.00 258,720
Total2.8000 22.00 4200.00258,720
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 36 2.8000 No Irrigation Private Punja Pandurang Chaudhari and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 22.00 4200.00 258,720
Total2.8000 22.00 4200.00258,720
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 361 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Gopal Zipru Gawali Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 361 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Gopal Zipru Gawali Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 362 12.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Kalpana Shantaram More, Shantaram Pandurang More, Jyoti Keshav More, Sunita Shantaram More & Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 12.0000 22.00 4200.00 1,108,800
Total12.0000 22.00 4200.001,108,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 362 12.0000 No Irrigation Private Kalpana Shantaram More, Shantaram Pandurang More, Jyoti Keshav More, Sunita Shantaram More & Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 12.0000 22.00 4200.00 1,108,800
Total12.0000 22.00 4200.001,108,800
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 362/ 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private SUNITA SHANTARAM MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 34.00 8600.00 116,960
Total0.4000 34.00 8600.00116,960
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 362/ 0.5000 No Irrigation Private SUNITA SHANTARAM MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 34.00 8600.00 116,960
Total0.4000 34.00 8600.00116,960
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 362// 1.8600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Kharif Oilseeds 0.8000 12.00 7500.00 72,000
Total1.8000 35.00 11600.00166,300
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 362// 1.8600 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Kharif Oilseeds 0.8000 12.00 7500.00 72,000
Total1.8000 35.00 11600.00166,300
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 379 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Sanjay Shivaji More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 379 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Sanjay Shivaji More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 379/ 0.5000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private SHANATRAM SUKHA DAGLE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4500 35.00 7600.00 119,700
Total0.4500 35.00 7600.00119,700
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 379/ 0.5000 No Irrigation Private SHANATRAM SUKHA DAGLE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4500 35.00 7600.00 119,700
Total0.4500 35.00 7600.00119,700
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 382 2.4900
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MATHURA MANOHAR DAGLE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 25.00 4200.00 210,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 0.8000 25.00 5500.00 110,000
Total2.8000 50.00 9700.00320,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 382 2.4900 Protective Irrigation Private MATHURA MANOHAR DAGLE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 25.00 4200.00 210,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 0.8000 25.00 5500.00 110,000
Total2.8000 50.00 9700.00320,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 383 2.2200
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KAILAS BABAURAO THITE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Kharif Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7600.00 121,600
Total2.5000 54.00 11800.00306,400
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 383 2.2200 Protective Irrigation Private KAILAS BABAURAO THITE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Kharif Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7600.00 121,600
Total2.5000 54.00 11800.00306,400
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 392/380/397/400/406 34.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 10.0000 32.00 4100.00 1,312,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 22.0000 18.00 5500.00 2,178,000
Total32.0000 50.00 9600.003,490,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 392/380/397/400/406 34.5000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 10.0000 32.00 4100.00 1,312,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 22.0000 18.00 5500.00 2,178,000
Total32.0000 50.00 9600.003,490,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 397/407/387/395/386 22.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 11.0000 21.00 4200.00 970,200
Kharif Fiber Crops 8.0000 15.00 4560.00 547,200
Total19.0000 36.00 8760.001,517,400
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 397/407/387/395/386 22.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 11.0000 21.00 4200.00 970,200
Kharif Fiber Crops 8.0000 15.00 4560.00 547,200
Total19.0000 36.00 8760.001,517,400
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 49 1.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Bhikubai Mahadu, Bhika Mahadu More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.6000 22.00 4200.00 147,840
Total1.6000 22.00 4200.00147,840
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 49 1.6000 No Irrigation Private Bhikubai Mahadu, Bhika Mahadu More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.6000 22.00 4200.00 147,840
Total1.6000 22.00 4200.00147,840
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 50/1 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Pandurang Raghu Jadhav Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 50/1 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Pandurang Raghu Jadhav Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 52 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Balasaheb Pundlik More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 52 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Balasaheb Pundlik More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 53 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Kiran Rangnath Dhatrak Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 21.00 4300.00 54,180
Total0.6000 21.00 4300.0054,180
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 53 0.6000 No Irrigation Private Kiran Rangnath Dhatrak Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 21.00 4300.00 54,180
Total0.6000 21.00 4300.0054,180
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 54 1.4000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Ashok Nathuram Shinde, Prakash Rangnath Jawle and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.4000 22.00 4200.00 129,360
Total1.4000 22.00 4200.00129,360
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 54 1.4000 No Irrigation Private Ashok Nathuram Shinde, Prakash Rangnath Jawle and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.4000 22.00 4200.00 129,360
Total1.4000 22.00 4200.00129,360
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 55 3.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Pandurang Sakharam, Sakharam Gangaram, Bhaskar Laxman Gavit Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 22.00 4200.00 277,200
Total3.0000 22.00 4200.00277,200
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 55 3.0000 No Irrigation Private Pandurang Sakharam, Sakharam Gangaram, Bhaskar Laxman Gavit Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 22.00 4200.00 277,200
Total3.0000 22.00 4200.00277,200
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 56 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Rama Pandu Chaudari and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 56 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Rama Pandu Chaudari and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 57 1.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Chandrakant Narayan, Narayan Genu More, Sukdeo Rangnath Dhatrak Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 22.00 4200.00 166,320
Total1.8000 22.00 4200.00166,320
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 57 1.8000 No Irrigation Private Chandrakant Narayan, Narayan Genu More, Sukdeo Rangnath Dhatrak Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 22.00 4200.00 166,320
Total1.8000 22.00 4200.00166,320
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 58/52/53/56/51/57/63 210.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 10.0000 23.00 4100.00 943,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 31.0000 22.00 5500.00 3,751,000
Total41.0000 45.00 9600.004,694,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 58/52/53/56/51/57/63 210.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 10.0000 23.00 4100.00 943,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 31.0000 22.00 5500.00 3,751,000
Total41.0000 45.00 9600.004,694,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 59 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Gangubai aabaji Thepne and Oth Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 21.00 4300.00 54,180
Total0.6000 21.00 4300.0054,180
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 59 0.6000 No Irrigation Private Gangubai aabaji Thepne and Oth Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 21.00 4300.00 54,180
Total0.6000 21.00 4300.0054,180
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 60 1.2000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Chandar Malhari , Narayan Malhari, Sukdeo Malhari Gangode Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4200.00 115,920
Total1.2000 23.00 4200.00115,920
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 60 1.2000 No Irrigation Private Chandar Malhari , Narayan Malhari, Sukdeo Malhari Gangode Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4200.00 115,920
Total1.2000 23.00 4200.00115,920
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 61 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Laxman Tatya Thepne and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4100.00 56,580
Total0.6000 23.00 4100.0056,580
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 61 0.6000 No Irrigation Private Laxman Tatya Thepne and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4100.00 56,580
Total0.6000 23.00 4100.0056,580
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 62 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Dnyandeo Dada Jadhav and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 4200.00 73,920
Total0.8000 22.00 4200.0073,920
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 62 0.8000 No Irrigation Private Dnyandeo Dada Jadhav and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 4200.00 73,920
Total0.8000 22.00 4200.0073,920
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 63 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Kamlabai Baburao More and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 63 1.0000 No Irrigation Private Kamlabai Baburao More and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 64 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Bhausaheb Pundlik More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 4200.00 73,920
Total0.8000 22.00 4200.0073,920
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 64 0.8000 No Irrigation Private Bhausaheb Pundlik More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 4200.00 73,920
Total0.8000 22.00 4200.0073,920
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 65 1.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Prakash Vitthal Pingale, Tarabai Subhash Jachak and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 23.00 4100.00 169,740
Total1.8000 23.00 4100.00169,740
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 65 1.8000 No Irrigation Private Prakash Vitthal Pingale, Tarabai Subhash Jachak and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 23.00 4100.00 169,740
Total1.8000 23.00 4100.00169,740
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 66 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Haushabai Trambak Sheware Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 4100.00 72,160
Total0.8000 22.00 4100.0072,160
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 66 0.8000 No Irrigation Private Haushabai Trambak Sheware Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 4100.00 72,160
Total0.8000 22.00 4100.0072,160
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 67 1.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Balu Rangnath Dhatrak, Sushila Daulat Bodkhe Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.6000 22.00 4200.00 147,840
Total1.6000 22.00 4200.00147,840
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 67 1.6000 No Irrigation Private Balu Rangnath Dhatrak, Sushila Daulat Bodkhe Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.6000 22.00 4200.00 147,840
Total1.6000 22.00 4200.00147,840
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 68 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Vishram Kisan Madke Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4300.00 79,120
Total0.8000 23.00 4300.0079,120
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 68 0.8000 No Irrigation Private Vishram Kisan Madke Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4300.00 79,120
Total0.8000 23.00 4300.0079,120
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 69 2.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Dipali Swapnil Yeole, Ujwala Amar Ankaikar, Popat Kisan More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 69 2.0000 No Irrigation Private Dipali Swapnil Yeole, Ujwala Amar Ankaikar, Popat Kisan More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4200.00 184,800
Total2.0000 22.00 4200.00184,800
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 70 2.7000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Amruta Pandharinath thepne, Annapurna Pundlik More, Sachin Ambadas, Ambadas Rangnath More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.7000 22.00 4200.00 249,480
Total2.7000 22.00 4200.00249,480
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 70 2.7000 No Irrigation Private Amruta Pandharinath thepne, Annapurna Pundlik More, Sachin Ambadas, Ambadas Rangnath More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.7000 22.00 4200.00 249,480
Total2.7000 22.00 4200.00249,480
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 71 1.4000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private Kalawati Nadhu Ghuge, Sudhakar Dhondiram More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.4000 23.00 4100.00 132,020
Total1.4000 23.00 4100.00132,020
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 71 1.4000 No Irrigation Private Kalawati Nadhu Ghuge, Sudhakar Dhondiram More Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.4000 23.00 4100.00 132,020
Total1.4000 23.00 4100.00132,020
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 72 1.9000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private madhukar Suka Ingale, Kalawati Nivrutti Gangode, Haushabai Chandar Madke and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.9000 22.00 4200.00 175,560
Total1.9000 22.00 4200.00175,560
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 72 1.9000 No Irrigation Private madhukar Suka Ingale, Kalawati Nivrutti Gangode, Haushabai Chandar Madke and Oth. Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.9000 22.00 4200.00 175,560
Total1.9000 22.00 4200.00175,560
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 82 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GUNJARAM VISHWANATH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7600.00 121,600
Total0.5000 32.00 7600.00121,600
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 82 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private GUNJARAM VISHWANATH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7600.00 121,600
Total0.5000 32.00 7600.00121,600
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 82/ 2.0500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GUNJARAM VISHWANATH MORE Others Single Crop Oilseeds 2.0000 12.00 6500.00 156,000
Total2.0000 12.00 6500.00156,000
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 82/ 2.0500 Protective Irrigation Private GUNJARAM VISHWANATH MORE Others Single Crop Oilseeds 2.0000 12.00 6500.00 156,000
Total2.0000 12.00 6500.00156,000
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 93 2.2200
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VITTHAL PARASRAM MORE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Kharif Oilseeds 0.5000 42.00 7100.00 149,100
Total1.5000 63.00 11300.00237,300
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 93 2.2200 Protective Irrigation Private VITTHAL PARASRAM MORE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Kharif Oilseeds 0.5000 42.00 7100.00 149,100
Total1.5000 63.00 11300.00237,300
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 95 3.0300
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHAUSAHEB PUNDLIK MORE Others Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Total2.0000 23.00 4300.00197,800
As on Date
DINDORI JALKHED Jalkhed 95 3.0300 Protective Irrigation Private BHAUSAHEB PUNDLIK MORE Others Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Total2.0000 23.00 4300.00197,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 115 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NIRMALA SAMPAT JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 115 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private NIRMALA SAMPAT JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 115/ 1.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Kharif Fiber Crops 0.8000 18.00 3500.00 50,400
Total1.8000 39.00 7700.00138,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 115/ 1.4000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Kharif Fiber Crops 0.8000 18.00 3500.00 50,400
Total1.8000 39.00 7700.00138,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 139 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHIKAR ANANDA GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4350.00 50,025
Total0.5000 23.00 4350.0050,025
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 139 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private BHIKAR ANANDA GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4350.00 50,025
Total0.5000 23.00 4350.0050,025
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 140 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK SAKHARAM PAGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4200.00 70,560
Total0.8000 21.00 4200.0070,560
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 140 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK SAKHARAM PAGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4200.00 70,560
Total0.8000 21.00 4200.0070,560
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 141 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMAT PICHAD AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 141 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMAT PICHAD AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 142 3.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private UTTAM KISAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4200.00 289,800
Total3.0000 23.00 4200.00289,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 142 3.2000 Protective Irrigation Private UTTAM KISAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4200.00 289,800
Total3.0000 23.00 4200.00289,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 143 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PARVATABAI SHANKAR WAGHERE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 32.00 4200.00 134,400
Total1.0000 32.00 4200.00134,400
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 143 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private PARVATABAI SHANKAR WAGHERE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 32.00 4200.00 134,400
Total1.0000 32.00 4200.00134,400
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 144 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMANT PICHAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 144 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMANT PICHAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 144/85/147/182/138 62.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Single Crop Oilseeds 26.0000 18.00 7600.00 3,556,800
Total26.0000 18.00 7600.003,556,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 144/85/147/182/138 62.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Single Crop Oilseeds 26.0000 18.00 7600.00 3,556,800
Total26.0000 18.00 7600.003,556,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 145 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SURESH EKNATH DESHMUKH AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 145 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SURESH EKNATH DESHMUKH AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 147 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHIKA GANGARAM BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4200.00 38,640
Total0.4000 23.00 4200.0038,640
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 147 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private BHIKA GANGARAM BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4200.00 38,640
Total0.4000 23.00 4200.0038,640
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 148 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHANTABAI SADASHIV THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4300.00 49,450
Total0.5000 23.00 4300.0049,450
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 148 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private SHANTABAI SADASHIV THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4300.00 49,450
Total0.5000 23.00 4300.0049,450
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 150 2.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MADHAV HIRAMAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 23.00 4600.00 264,500
Total2.5000 23.00 4600.00264,500
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 150 2.6000 Protective Irrigation Private MADHAV HIRAMAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 23.00 4600.00 264,500
Total2.5000 23.00 4600.00264,500
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 150/149/151/162/144 31.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 10.0000 21.00 2300.00 483,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 12.0000 18.00 3500.00 756,000
Total22.0000 39.00 5800.001,239,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 150/149/151/162/144 31.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 10.0000 21.00 2300.00 483,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 12.0000 18.00 3500.00 756,000
Total22.0000 39.00 5800.001,239,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 151 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA PANDHARINATH THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 151 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA PANDHARINATH THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 152 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHESHRAO LAXMANRAO DESHMUKH Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 152 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SHESHRAO LAXMANRAO DESHMUKH Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 152/ 2.8900
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN NANA BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Kharif Fiber Crops 0.8200 18.00 3200.00 47,232
Total1.8200 41.00 7300.00141,532
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 152/ 2.8900 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN NANA BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Kharif Fiber Crops 0.8200 18.00 3200.00 47,232
Total1.8200 41.00 7300.00141,532
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 152/3 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHUBHAM RAGHUNATH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 152/3 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private SHUBHAM RAGHUNATH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 153 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GANGUBAI SHANKAR WAGHERE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4200.00 77,280
Total0.8000 23.00 4200.0077,280
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 153 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private GANGUBAI SHANKAR WAGHERE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4200.00 77,280
Total0.8000 23.00 4200.0077,280
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 154 2.2500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAMDAS YASHWANT THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 21.00 3200.00 134,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 2.0000 18.00 4600.00 165,600
Total4.0000 39.00 7800.00300,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 154 2.2500 Protective Irrigation Private RAMDAS YASHWANT THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 21.00 3200.00 134,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 2.0000 18.00 4600.00 165,600
Total4.0000 39.00 7800.00300,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 157 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private JAYVANAT CHANDAR PAGARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4100.00 47,150
Total0.5000 23.00 4100.0047,150
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 157 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private JAYVANAT CHANDAR PAGARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4100.00 47,150
Total0.5000 23.00 4100.0047,150
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 159 3.2500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHIKA GANGARAM BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4200.00 264,600
Total3.0000 21.00 4200.00264,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 159 3.2500 Protective Irrigation Private BHIKA GANGARAM BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4200.00 264,600
Total3.0000 21.00 4200.00264,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 159/ 3.2300
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHIKA HIRAMAN BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 21.00 3200.00 67,200
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.5000 18.00 4600.00 124,200
Total2.5000 39.00 7800.00191,400
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 159/ 3.2300 Protective Irrigation Private BHIKA HIRAMAN BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 21.00 3200.00 67,200
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.5000 18.00 4600.00 124,200
Total2.5000 39.00 7800.00191,400
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 16 1.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private JAYRAM KISAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 16 1.2000 Protective Irrigation Private JAYRAM KISAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 160 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KAVITA HARI CHAUDHARI AND ETC Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 160 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private KAVITA HARI CHAUDHARI AND ETC Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 161 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NARAYAN BALU BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 161 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private NARAYAN BALU BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 162 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR RAGHO BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4300.00 79,120
Total0.8000 23.00 4300.0079,120
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 162 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR RAGHO BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4300.00 79,120
Total0.8000 23.00 4300.0079,120
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 163 3.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SUDAM CHANDRBHAM CHAURE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.2000 23.00 4300.00 316,480
Total3.2000 23.00 4300.00316,480
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 163 3.4000 Protective Irrigation Private SUDAM CHANDRBHAM CHAURE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.2000 23.00 4300.00 316,480
Total3.2000 23.00 4300.00316,480
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 164/ 3.0700
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NARAYAN VALU BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 164/ 3.0700 Protective Irrigation Private NARAYAN VALU BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 165 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHANTARAM NARAYAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 165 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SHANTARAM NARAYAN BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 165/ 1.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DILIP VISHWANATH BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 165/ 1.5000 Protective Irrigation Private DILIP VISHWANATH BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 167 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUSHPA VIJAY PINGALE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4200.00 38,640
Total0.4000 23.00 4200.0038,640
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 167 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private PUSHPA VIJAY PINGALE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4200.00 38,640
Total0.4000 23.00 4200.0038,640
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 17 0.7000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KALU PANDU JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 17 0.7000 Protective Irrigation Private KALU PANDU JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 171 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PRAKASH DAULAT THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 171 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private PRAKASH DAULAT THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 172 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VISHAL SANTOSH SHIRSATH AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4600.00 105,800
Total1.0000 23.00 4600.00105,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 172 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private VISHAL SANTOSH SHIRSATH AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4600.00 105,800
Total1.0000 23.00 4600.00105,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 173 0.1500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KESHAV MURLIDHAR BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 173 0.1500 Protective Irrigation Private KESHAV MURLIDHAR BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 18 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR SHIVARAM BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 22.00 4200.00 46,200
Total0.5000 22.00 4200.0046,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 18 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR SHIVARAM BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 22.00 4200.00 46,200
Total0.5000 22.00 4200.0046,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 19 2.1500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GANGADHAR TRAMBAK GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4500.00 103,500
Total1.0000 23.00 4500.00103,500
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 19 2.1500 Protective Irrigation Private GANGADHAR TRAMBAK GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4500.00 103,500
Total1.0000 23.00 4500.00103,500
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 200 3.8800
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GOTIRAM SANTHU SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 200 3.8800 Protective Irrigation Private GOTIRAM SANTHU SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 201 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMIBAI MOTIRAM SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 22.00 4200.00 138,600
Total1.5000 22.00 4200.00138,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 201 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMIBAI MOTIRAM SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 22.00 4200.00 138,600
Total1.5000 22.00 4200.00138,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 202 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KERU BUDHA SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 202 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private KERU BUDHA SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 203 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SANGEETA PUNJA MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4200.00 77,280
Total0.8000 23.00 4200.0077,280
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 203 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private SANGEETA PUNJA MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4200.00 77,280
Total0.8000 23.00 4200.0077,280
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 215 0.1000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT NANA JADHAV Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 215 0.1000 Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT NANA JADHAV Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 219 1.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SAVLIRAAM PANDHARINATH BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 219 1.4000 Protective Irrigation Private SAVLIRAAM PANDHARINATH BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 23 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SANTU NANA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 23 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SANTU NANA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 236 1.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NIVRUTTI RAGHUNATH GANGODE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4200.00 70,560
Total0.8000 21.00 4200.0070,560
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 236 1.5000 Protective Irrigation Private NIVRUTTI RAGHUNATH GANGODE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4200.00 70,560
Total0.8000 21.00 4200.0070,560
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 237 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KERU BUDHA SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 237 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private KERU BUDHA SHEKHARE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 238 2.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private ASHOK NAMDEV GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4202.00 176,484
Total2.0000 21.00 4202.00176,484
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 238 2.5000 Protective Irrigation Private ASHOK NAMDEV GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4202.00 176,484
Total2.0000 21.00 4202.00176,484
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 239 3.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KACHRU NATHU DAGALE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.5000 23.00 4300.00 346,150
Total3.5000 23.00 4300.00346,150
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 239 3.8000 Protective Irrigation Private KACHRU NATHU DAGALE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.5000 23.00 4300.00 346,150
Total3.5000 23.00 4300.00346,150
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 254 2.2100
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private TULSHIRAM BALU GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.2100 21.00 4200.00 194,922
Total2.2100 21.00 4200.00194,922
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 254 2.2100 Protective Irrigation Private TULSHIRAM BALU GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.2100 21.00 4200.00 194,922
Total2.2100 21.00 4200.00194,922
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 254/ 0.8500
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private TULSHIRAM VALU GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.8000 32.00 7852.00 201,011.2
Total0.8000 32.00 7852.00201,011.2
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 254/ 0.8500 No Irrigation Private TULSHIRAM VALU GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.8000 32.00 7852.00 201,011.2
Total0.8000 32.00 7852.00201,011.2
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 283 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SURESH DEVRAM NIKAM Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 283 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SURESH DEVRAM NIKAM Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 283/ 2.4600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SANDIP DAGU CHAURE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 283/ 2.4600 Protective Irrigation Private SANDIP DAGU CHAURE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 288 1.0600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VITTHAL SUKHA PAGE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 288 1.0600 Protective Irrigation Private VITTHAL SUKHA PAGE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 302 1.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNJA LAXMAN GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4200.00 115,920
Total1.2000 23.00 4200.00115,920
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 302 1.5000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNJA LAXMAN GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4200.00 115,920
Total1.2000 23.00 4200.00115,920
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 36 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK LAXMAN THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4200.00 176,400
Total2.0000 21.00 4200.00176,400
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 36 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK LAXMAN THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4200.00 176,400
Total2.0000 21.00 4200.00176,400
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 362 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SUNTA SHANTARAM MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4100.00 47,150
Total0.5000 23.00 4100.0047,150
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 362 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private SUNTA SHANTARAM MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4100.00 47,150
Total0.5000 23.00 4100.0047,150
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 38 4.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR KALU BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 21.00 4300.00 108,360
Total1.2000 21.00 4300.00108,360
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 38 4.0000 Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR KALU BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 21.00 4300.00 108,360
Total1.2000 21.00 4300.00108,360
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 38/ 4.2900
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 38/ 4.2900 Protective Irrigation Community Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 43 1.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GANGARAM GOPALA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4200.00 115,920
Total1.2000 23.00 4200.00115,920
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 43 1.2000 Protective Irrigation Private GANGARAM GOPALA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4200.00 115,920
Total1.2000 23.00 4200.00115,920
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 50 4.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private JANARDHAN MURLIDHAR BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 5200.00 358,800
Total3.0000 23.00 5200.00358,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 50 4.4000 Protective Irrigation Private JANARDHAN MURLIDHAR BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 5200.00 358,800
Total3.0000 23.00 5200.00358,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 51 5.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PRASHANT GANGDHAR JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 5.0000 23.00 420.00 48,300
Total5.0000 23.00 420.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 51 5.0000 Protective Irrigation Private PRASHANT GANGDHAR JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 5.0000 23.00 420.00 48,300
Total5.0000 23.00 420.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 52 1.1500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM VAJIR THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 52 1.1500 Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM VAJIR THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 53 1.1000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NIVRUTTI KISAN THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 53 1.1000 Protective Irrigation Private NIVRUTTI KISAN THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 54 1.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MANJULABAI MURLIDHAR MORE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.1000 23.00 4200.00 106,260
Total1.1000 23.00 4200.00106,260
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 54 1.2000 Protective Irrigation Private MANJULABAI MURLIDHAR MORE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.1000 23.00 4200.00 106,260
Total1.1000 23.00 4200.00106,260
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 54/ 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAMAKANT BHASKAR RAUT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 5200.00 59,800
Total0.5000 23.00 5200.0059,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 54/ 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private RAMAKANT BHASKAR RAUT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 5200.00 59,800
Total0.5000 23.00 5200.0059,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 55 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR SITARAM GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 55 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR SITARAM GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 56 0.6500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHANTABAI PANDURANG THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4200.00 57,960
Total0.6000 23.00 4200.0057,960
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 56 0.6500 Protective Irrigation Private SHANTABAI PANDURANG THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4200.00 57,960
Total0.6000 23.00 4200.0057,960
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 57 4.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NAMDEV PANDHARINATH BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4562.00 287,406
Total3.0000 21.00 4562.00287,406
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 57 4.6000 Protective Irrigation Private NAMDEV PANDHARINATH BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4562.00 287,406
Total3.0000 21.00 4562.00287,406
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 57/ 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private RAMLAL SUKHALAL PAWRA Degraded Land Single Crop Fiber Crops 0.6000 32.00 7800.00 149,760
Total0.6000 32.00 7800.00149,760
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 57/ 0.6000 No Irrigation Private RAMLAL SUKHALAL PAWRA Degraded Land Single Crop Fiber Crops 0.6000 32.00 7800.00 149,760
Total0.6000 32.00 7800.00149,760
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 64 0.3000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHIBAI NAMDEV BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 21.00 4500.00 28,350
Total0.3000 21.00 4500.0028,350
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 64 0.3000 Protective Irrigation Private KASHIBAI NAMDEV BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 21.00 4500.00 28,350
Total0.3000 21.00 4500.0028,350
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 65 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VISHNU KASHINATH BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 21.00 4200.00 35,280
Total0.4000 21.00 4200.0035,280
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 65 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private VISHNU KASHINATH BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 21.00 4200.00 35,280
Total0.4000 21.00 4200.0035,280
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 66 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PARVTABAI AMBU KHAMBAIT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4200.00 38,640
Total0.4000 23.00 4200.0038,640
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 66 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private PARVTABAI AMBU KHAMBAIT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4200.00 38,640
Total0.4000 23.00 4200.0038,640
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 67 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 67 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 68 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT VITHOBA CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4200.00 57,960
Total0.6000 23.00 4200.0057,960
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 68 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT VITHOBA CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4200.00 57,960
Total0.6000 23.00 4200.0057,960
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 69 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK PANDHARINATH BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 3200.00 67,200
Total1.0000 21.00 3200.0067,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 69 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK PANDHARINATH BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 3200.00 67,200
Total1.0000 21.00 3200.0067,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 71 1.7900
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHANKAR MALHARI CHAUDHARI Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 71 1.7900 Protective Irrigation Private SHANKAR MALHARI CHAUDHARI Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 71/72/74/75/76/77/78 288.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 100.0000 21.00 4200.00 8,820,000
Kharif Oilseeds 51.0000 18.00 6500.00 5,967,000
Total151.0000 39.00 10700.0014,787,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 71/72/74/75/76/77/78 288.8000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 100.0000 21.00 4200.00 8,820,000
Kharif Oilseeds 51.0000 18.00 6500.00 5,967,000
Total151.0000 39.00 10700.0014,787,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 75 1.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private FULABAI HANUMANTA GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 1.0000 32.00 7800.00 249,600
Total1.0000 32.00 7800.00249,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 75 1.0000 No Irrigation Private FULABAI HANUMANTA GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 1.0000 32.00 7800.00 249,600
Total1.0000 32.00 7800.00249,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 9 1.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SUDHAKAR DADA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Total1.0000 23.00 4100.0094,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Kokangaon Bk. 9 1.2000 Protective Irrigation Private SUDHAKAR DADA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Total1.0000 23.00 4100.0094,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 10 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KAMLAKAR VITTHAL THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4300.00 72,240
Total0.8000 21.00 4300.0072,240
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 10 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private KAMLAKAR VITTHAL THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 4300.00 72,240
Total0.8000 21.00 4300.0072,240
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 104 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAMDAS KASHINATH BHOYE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 104 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private RAMDAS KASHINATH BHOYE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4200.00 88,200
Total1.0000 21.00 4200.0088,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 105 2.9000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 25.00 4200.00 105,000
Total1.0000 25.00 4200.00105,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 105 2.9000 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 25.00 4200.00 105,000
Total1.0000 25.00 4200.00105,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 106 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAMCHANDRA VAMAN CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4300.00 135,450
Total1.5000 21.00 4300.00135,450
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 106 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private RAMCHANDRA VAMAN CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4300.00 135,450
Total1.5000 21.00 4300.00135,450
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 106// 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PANDURANG SADASHIV CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 32.00 4200.00 40,320
Total0.3000 32.00 4200.0040,320
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 106// 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private PANDURANG SADASHIV CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 32.00 4200.00 40,320
Total0.3000 32.00 4200.0040,320
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 107/109/105/108/106 62.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 21.0000 23.00 4200.00 2,028,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 10.0000 45.00 7500.00 3,375,000
Total31.0000 68.00 11700.005,403,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 107/109/105/108/106 62.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 21.0000 23.00 4200.00 2,028,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 10.0000 45.00 7500.00 3,375,000
Total31.0000 68.00 11700.005,403,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 11 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GOPALA TRAMBAK BHOIR Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 21.00 4300.00 36,120
Total0.4000 21.00 4300.0036,120
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 11 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private GOPALA TRAMBAK BHOIR Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 21.00 4300.00 36,120
Total0.4000 21.00 4300.0036,120
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 112 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM SAVLIRAM GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.2000 21.00 4300.00 18,060
Total0.2000 21.00 4300.0018,060
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 112 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM SAVLIRAM GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.2000 21.00 4300.00 18,060
Total0.2000 21.00 4300.0018,060
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 115 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NIRMALA SAMPAT JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 115 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private NIRMALA SAMPAT JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 115/// 2.5600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PANDU VITHU BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4300.00 45,150
Total0.5000 21.00 4300.0045,150
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 115/// 2.5600 Protective Irrigation Private PANDU VITHU BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4300.00 45,150
Total0.5000 21.00 4300.0045,150
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 117 2.5600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN TATYA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 117 2.5600 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN TATYA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 12 1.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GANGARAM DHARMA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.1000 21.00 4300.00 99,330
Total1.1000 21.00 4300.0099,330
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 12 1.2000 Protective Irrigation Private GANGARAM DHARMA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.1000 21.00 4300.00 99,330
Total1.1000 21.00 4300.0099,330
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 13 2.7800
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH SAKHARAM BHOYE AMD ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 13 2.7800 Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH SAKHARAM BHOYE AMD ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 14 2.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT ANANDA BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.1000 21.00 4300.00 189,630
Total2.1000 21.00 4300.00189,630
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 14 2.2000 Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT ANANDA BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.1000 21.00 4300.00 189,630
Total2.1000 21.00 4300.00189,630
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 152/3 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHUBHAM RAGHUNATH MORE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 20.00 2300.00 23,000
Total0.5000 20.00 2300.0023,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 152/3 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private SHUBHAM RAGHUNATH MORE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 20.00 2300.00 23,000
Total0.5000 20.00 2300.0023,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 157 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private JAYVANT CHANDAR PAGARE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 5300.00 60,950
Total0.5000 23.00 5300.0060,950
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 157 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private JAYVANT CHANDAR PAGARE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 5300.00 60,950
Total0.5000 23.00 5300.0060,950
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 16 1.1000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private 0.43 Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 16 1.1000 Protective Irrigation Private 0.43 Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 17 3.7200
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4300.00 270,900
Kharif Horticulture 2.0000 18.00 3800.00 136,800
Total5.0000 39.00 8100.00407,700
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 17 3.7200 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4300.00 270,900
Kharif Horticulture 2.0000 18.00 3800.00 136,800
Total5.0000 39.00 8100.00407,700
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 20 5.5600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAVINDRA NAMDEV BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 5.0000 21.00 4200.00 441,000
Total5.0000 21.00 4200.00441,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 20 5.5600 Protective Irrigation Private RAVINDRA NAMDEV BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 5.0000 21.00 4200.00 441,000
Total5.0000 21.00 4200.00441,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 20/ 5.5600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 21.00 3800.00 159,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 38.00 3500.00 133,000
Total3.0000 59.00 7300.00292,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 20/ 5.5600 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 21.00 3800.00 159,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 38.00 3500.00 133,000
Total3.0000 59.00 7300.00292,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 203 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SANGEETA PUNJARAM MORE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 5300.00 111,300
Total1.0000 21.00 5300.00111,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 203 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SANGEETA PUNJARAM MORE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 5300.00 111,300
Total1.0000 21.00 5300.00111,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 21 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DATTU AMRUTA KHAMBAIT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4300.00 148,350
Total1.5000 23.00 4300.00148,350
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 21 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private DATTU AMRUTA KHAMBAIT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4300.00 148,350
Total1.5000 23.00 4300.00148,350
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 22 2.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHRIDHAR TULSHIRAM BHOYE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 22 2.6000 Protective Irrigation Private SHRIDHAR TULSHIRAM BHOYE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 28 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 28 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 28/ 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SUNANADA DATTU CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 21.00 4300.00 252,840
Total2.8000 21.00 4300.00252,840
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 28/ 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SUNANADA DATTU CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 21.00 4300.00 252,840
Total2.8000 21.00 4300.00252,840
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 28// 3.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR GOPA GAWALI Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4200.00 264,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 21.00 3820.00 80,220
Total4.0000 42.00 8020.00344,820
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 28// 3.8000 Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR GOPA GAWALI Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4200.00 264,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 21.00 3820.00 80,220
Total4.0000 42.00 8020.00344,820
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 29 3.6500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Kharif Oilseeds 1.0000 23.00 7500.00 172,500
Total3.0000 44.00 11800.00353,100
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 29 3.6500 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Kharif Oilseeds 1.0000 23.00 7500.00 172,500
Total3.0000 44.00 11800.00353,100
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 30 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PANDURANG RAMJI GAIKWAD AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 30 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private PANDURANG RAMJI GAIKWAD AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 31 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT ANANDA BHOYE AND ECT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 21.00 4200.00 158,760
Total1.8000 21.00 4200.00158,760
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 31 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT ANANDA BHOYE AND ECT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 21.00 4200.00 158,760
Total1.8000 21.00 4200.00158,760
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 32 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MANJULABAI KACHRU WAGH Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 21.00 4100.00 51,660
Total0.6000 21.00 4100.0051,660
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 32 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private MANJULABAI KACHRU WAGH Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 21.00 4100.00 51,660
Total0.6000 21.00 4100.0051,660
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 33 0.7000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private TUKARAM DADA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4300.00 45,150
Total0.5000 21.00 4300.0045,150
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 33 0.7000 Protective Irrigation Private TUKARAM DADA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4300.00 45,150
Total0.5000 21.00 4300.0045,150
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 34 0.8800
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MUKTABAI EKNATH BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8800 21.00 4200.00 77,616
Total0.8800 21.00 4200.0077,616
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 34 0.8800 Protective Irrigation Private MUKTABAI EKNATH BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8800 21.00 4200.00 77,616
Total0.8800 21.00 4200.0077,616
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 35 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM PANDU BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 35 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM PANDU BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4200.00 44,100
Total0.5000 21.00 4200.0044,100
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 35/21/23/22/25/26/24 72.1000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 21.0000 22.00 4200.00 1,940,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 11.0000 42.00 7820.00 3,612,840
Total32.0000 64.00 12020.005,553,240
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 35/21/23/22/25/26/24 72.1000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 21.0000 22.00 4200.00 1,940,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 11.0000 42.00 7820.00 3,612,840
Total32.0000 64.00 12020.005,553,240
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 36 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT VITTHAL PAWAR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4300.00 270,900
Total3.0000 21.00 4300.00270,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 36 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT VITTHAL PAWAR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4300.00 270,900
Total3.0000 21.00 4300.00270,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 362 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SUNITA SHANATRAM MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 362 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private SUNITA SHANATRAM MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 37 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMANT PICHAL Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 37 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMANT PICHAL Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 38 4.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN SONIRAM GAVANDHE ANS ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4300.00 270,900
Total3.0000 21.00 4300.00270,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 38 4.0000 Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN SONIRAM GAVANDHE ANS ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 21.00 4300.00 270,900
Total3.0000 21.00 4300.00270,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 39 2.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN SONIRAM GAVANDHE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 21.00 4300.00 252,840
Total2.8000 21.00 4300.00252,840
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 39 2.8000 Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN SONIRAM GAVANDHE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 21.00 4300.00 252,840
Total2.8000 21.00 4300.00252,840
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 40 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMANT PICHAL Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 40 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private MOHINI HEMANT PICHAL Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 41 2.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private JAGAN NARAYAN PAWAR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.4000 21.00 4300.00 216,720
Total2.4000 21.00 4300.00216,720
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 41 2.4000 Protective Irrigation Private JAGAN NARAYAN PAWAR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.4000 21.00 4300.00 216,720
Total2.4000 21.00 4300.00216,720
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 41/ 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private JAGAN NARAYAN PAWAR Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7500.00 120,000
Total0.5000 32.00 7500.00120,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 41/ 0.6000 No Irrigation Private JAGAN NARAYAN PAWAR Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7500.00 120,000
Total0.5000 32.00 7500.00120,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 42 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR GOPAL GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Total2.0000 23.00 4300.00197,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 42 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR GOPAL GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Total2.0000 23.00 4300.00197,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 44 4.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LATABAI CHANDAR GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.5000 21.00 4200.00 396,900
Total4.5000 21.00 4200.00396,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 44 4.8000 Protective Irrigation Private LATABAI CHANDAR GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.5000 21.00 4200.00 396,900
Total4.5000 21.00 4200.00396,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 45 2.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN SONU THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 20.00 4500.00 225,000
Total2.5000 20.00 4500.00225,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 45 2.8000 Protective Irrigation Private MOHAN SONU THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 20.00 4500.00 225,000
Total2.5000 20.00 4500.00225,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 47 1.4800
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SITABAI SHANTARAM BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 22.00 4200.00 92,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 42.00 4200.00 176,400
Total2.0000 64.00 8400.00268,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 47 1.4800 Protective Irrigation Private SITABAI SHANTARAM BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.0000 22.00 4200.00 92,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 42.00 4200.00 176,400
Total2.0000 64.00 8400.00268,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 49 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DATTU KALU THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4300.00 45,150
Total0.5000 21.00 4300.0045,150
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 49 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private DATTU KALU THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 4300.00 45,150
Total0.5000 21.00 4300.0045,150
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 50 1.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH SAKHARAM BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 21.00 4220.00 106,344
Total1.2000 21.00 4220.00106,344
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 50 1.4000 Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH SAKHARAM BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 21.00 4220.00 106,344
Total1.2000 21.00 4220.00106,344
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 53 4.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KESHAV HARI BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 23.00 4350.00 400,200
Total4.0000 23.00 4350.00400,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 53 4.0000 Protective Irrigation Private KESHAV HARI BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 23.00 4350.00 400,200
Total4.0000 23.00 4350.00400,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 54 4.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA SAKHARAM BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 21.00 4300.00 361,200
Total4.0000 21.00 4300.00361,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 54 4.4000 Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA SAKHARAM BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 21.00 4300.00 361,200
Total4.0000 21.00 4300.00361,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 58 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHANTARAM MALHARI CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 32.00 9600.00 122,880
Total0.4000 32.00 9600.00122,880
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 58 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private SHANTARAM MALHARI CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 32.00 9600.00 122,880
Total0.4000 32.00 9600.00122,880
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 59 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MATHURABAI TUKARAM PALVR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 43.00 4620.00 595,980
Total3.0000 43.00 4620.00595,980
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 59 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private MATHURABAI TUKARAM PALVR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 43.00 4620.00 595,980
Total3.0000 43.00 4620.00595,980
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 60 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KISAN ZIPRA THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4500.00 141,750
Total1.5000 21.00 4500.00141,750
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 60 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private KISAN ZIPRA THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4500.00 141,750
Total1.5000 21.00 4500.00141,750
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 61 1.9000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4300.00 135,450
Total1.5000 21.00 4300.00135,450
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 61 1.9000 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4300.00 135,450
Total1.5000 21.00 4300.00135,450
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 63 1.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VITHABAI AMRUTA WAGHERE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.1000 21.00 4300.00 99,330
Total1.1000 21.00 4300.0099,330
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 63 1.5000 Protective Irrigation Private VITHABAI AMRUTA WAGHERE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.1000 21.00 4300.00 99,330
Total1.1000 21.00 4300.0099,330
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 63/ 1.8600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DHARMA RAGHO THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 63/ 1.8600 Protective Irrigation Private DHARMA RAGHO THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 67 1.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SAKHARAM GANGARAM GAVIT AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 21.00 4520.00 113,904
Total1.2000 21.00 4520.00113,904
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 67 1.5000 Protective Irrigation Private SAKHARAM GANGARAM GAVIT AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 21.00 4520.00 113,904
Total1.2000 21.00 4520.00113,904
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 7 4.5600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR BHAVANI GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 23.00 4200.00 386,400
Total4.0000 23.00 4200.00386,400
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 7 4.5600 Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR BHAVANI GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 23.00 4200.00 386,400
Total4.0000 23.00 4200.00386,400
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 70/71/87/94 5.3200
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE AND ETC Others Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 70/71/87/94 5.3200 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE AND ETC Others Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 21.00 4300.00 90,300
Total1.0000 21.00 4300.0090,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 72 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private HIRAM VITTHAL PAWAR Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.6000 32.00 9600.00 184,320
Total0.6000 32.00 9600.00184,320
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 72 0.6000 No Irrigation Private HIRAM VITTHAL PAWAR Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.6000 32.00 9600.00 184,320
Total0.6000 32.00 9600.00184,320
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 76 2.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private UTTAM DASHRAT PAGAR AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 76 2.6000 Protective Irrigation Private UTTAM DASHRAT PAGAR AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 4300.00 225,750
Total2.5000 21.00 4300.00225,750
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 77 2.0300
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YAHSWANT LAXMAN GAWALI AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 77 2.0300 Protective Irrigation Private YAHSWANT LAXMAN GAWALI AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 78 1.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SANPAT MAHADU JADHAV AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.3000 21.00 4200.00 114,660
Total1.3000 21.00 4200.00114,660
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 78 1.4000 Protective Irrigation Private SANPAT MAHADU JADHAV AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.3000 21.00 4200.00 114,660
Total1.3000 21.00 4200.00114,660
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 78/ 0.8000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private KESHAV GOPAL GAWALI Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.8000 32.00 9600.00 245,760
Total0.8000 32.00 9600.00245,760
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 78/ 0.8000 No Irrigation Private KESHAV GOPAL GAWALI Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.8000 32.00 9600.00 245,760
Total0.8000 32.00 9600.00245,760
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 80 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHIBAI MAHADU JADHAV AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4200.00 132,300
Total1.5000 21.00 4200.00132,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 80 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private KASHIBAI MAHADU JADHAV AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4200.00 132,300
Total1.5000 21.00 4200.00132,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 82 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNJRAAM VISHVANTH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 3000.00 31,500
Total0.5000 21.00 3000.0031,500
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 82 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNJRAAM VISHVANTH MORE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 21.00 3000.00 31,500
Total0.5000 21.00 3000.0031,500
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 83 1.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHIVRAM ZIPRA GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.3000 21.00 4200.00 114,660
Total1.3000 21.00 4200.00114,660
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 83 1.4000 Protective Irrigation Private SHIVRAM ZIPRA GAIKWAD Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.3000 21.00 4200.00 114,660
Total1.3000 21.00 4200.00114,660
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 84 2.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YAMUNABAI TANAJI HINDE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.4000 21.00 3200.00 161,280
Total2.4000 21.00 3200.00161,280
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 84 2.4000 Protective Irrigation Private YAMUNABAI TANAJI HINDE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.4000 21.00 3200.00 161,280
Total2.4000 21.00 3200.00161,280
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 86 1.9900
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private HANUMANT VITHOBA BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4200.00 132,300
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.2000 18.00 2100.00 45,360
Total2.7000 39.00 6300.00177,660
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 86 1.9900 Protective Irrigation Private HANUMANT VITHOBA BHOYE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4200.00 132,300
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.2000 18.00 2100.00 45,360
Total2.7000 39.00 6300.00177,660
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 86/98/74/109/87/75 260.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 21.0000 2100.00 4100.00 180,810,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 32.0000 48.00 7500.00 11,520,000
Total53.0000 2148.00 11600.00192,330,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 86/98/74/109/87/75 260.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 21.0000 2100.00 4100.00 180,810,000
Kharif Fiber Crops 32.0000 48.00 7500.00 11,520,000
Total53.0000 2148.00 11600.00192,330,000
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 87 2.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK KALU BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 420.00 22,050
Total2.5000 21.00 420.0022,050
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 87 2.6000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK KALU BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 21.00 420.00 22,050
Total2.5000 21.00 420.0022,050
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 88 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA PANDHARINATH THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 21.00 4300.00 252,840
Total2.8000 21.00 4300.00252,840
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 88 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA PANDHARINATH THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 21.00 4300.00 252,840
Total2.8000 21.00 4300.00252,840
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 88/ 0.4000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private VITHOBA KISAN BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 32.00 9600.00 122,880
Total0.4000 32.00 9600.00122,880
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 88/ 0.4000 No Irrigation Private VITHOBA KISAN BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.4000 32.00 9600.00 122,880
Total0.4000 32.00 9600.00122,880
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 89 4.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KUSHI BHAGU GAIKWAD AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.2000 21.00 4200.00 370,440
Total4.2000 21.00 4200.00370,440
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 89 4.5000 Protective Irrigation Private KUSHI BHAGU GAIKWAD AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.2000 21.00 4200.00 370,440
Total4.2000 21.00 4200.00370,440
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 9 3.9500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT VITTHAL PAWAR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.5000 21.00 4200.00 308,700
Total3.5000 21.00 4200.00308,700
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 9 3.9500 Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANT VITTHAL PAWAR AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.5000 21.00 4200.00 308,700
Total3.5000 21.00 4200.00308,700
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 91 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BALVANT BHIVA GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Total2.0000 21.00 4300.00180,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 91 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private BALVANT BHIVA GAWALI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 21.00 4300.00 180,600
Total2.0000 21.00 4300.00180,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 91// 2.2300
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BALVANT BHIVA GAWALI Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 18.00 3200.00 57,600
Total3.0000 41.00 7300.00246,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 91// 2.2300 Protective Irrigation Private BALVANT BHIVA GAWALI Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 18.00 3200.00 57,600
Total3.0000 41.00 7300.00246,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 96 2.3200
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHIBAI NAMDEV BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 96 2.3200 Protective Irrigation Private KASHIBAI NAMDEV BHOYE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 96/ 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private DHANRAJ SHANAKAR GANDE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7600.00 121,600
Total0.5000 32.00 7600.00121,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 96/ 0.6000 No Irrigation Private DHANRAJ SHANAKAR GANDE Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 0.5000 32.00 7600.00 121,600
Total0.5000 32.00 7600.00121,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 97 3.8300
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.1000 21.00 4300.00 279,930
Total3.1000 21.00 4300.00279,930
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 97 3.8300 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.1000 21.00 4300.00 279,930
Total3.1000 21.00 4300.00279,930
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 97/ 4.6300
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE AND ETC Others Single Crop Cereals 4.2300 21.00 4200.00 373,086
Total4.2300 21.00 4200.00373,086
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Shreeramnagar(N.V) 97/ 4.6300 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN GOVINDA BHOYE AND ETC Others Single Crop Cereals 4.2300 21.00 4200.00 373,086
Total4.2300 21.00 4200.00373,086
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 105 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DEVIDAS HARIBHAU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 105 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private DEVIDAS HARIBHAU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 106 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private HARI YASHWANT THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 106 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private HARI YASHWANT THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 107 2.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SULABAI DEVRAM RAUT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4300.00 118,680
Total1.2000 23.00 4300.00118,680
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 107 2.2000 Protective Irrigation Private SULABAI DEVRAM RAUT Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 23.00 4300.00 118,680
Total1.2000 23.00 4300.00118,680
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 108 3.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GANBUBAI ABAJI THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.2000 26.00 4100.00 234,520
Total2.2000 26.00 4100.00234,520
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 108 3.5000 Protective Irrigation Private GANBUBAI ABAJI THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.2000 26.00 4100.00 234,520
Total2.2000 26.00 4100.00234,520
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 109 2.3500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR SITARAM GAIKWAD AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.2000 23.00 4200.00 212,520
Total2.2000 23.00 4200.00212,520
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 109 2.3500 Protective Irrigation Private CHANDAR SITARAM GAIKWAD AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.2000 23.00 4200.00 212,520
Total2.2000 23.00 4200.00212,520
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 110 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private GENU KISAN THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4600.00 211,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4600.00211,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 110 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private GENU KISAN THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4600.00 211,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4600.00211,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 111 3.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANTA AMRUTA JADHAV Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 111 3.2000 Protective Irrigation Private YASHWANTA AMRUTA JADHAV Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4100.00 188,600
Total2.0000 23.00 4100.00188,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 112 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KACHRABAI KASHINATH GAWALI Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 23.00 4000.00 27,600
Total0.3000 23.00 4000.0027,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 112 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private KACHRABAI KASHINATH GAWALI Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 23.00 4000.00 27,600
Total0.3000 23.00 4000.0027,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 115 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NIRMALA SAMPAT JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4500.00 51,750
Total0.5000 23.00 4500.0051,750
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 115 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private NIRMALA SAMPAT JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4500.00 51,750
Total0.5000 23.00 4500.0051,750
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 118 0.6000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private HIRAMAN AMRUTA JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4120.00 47,380
Total0.5000 23.00 4120.0047,380
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 118 0.6000 No Irrigation Private HIRAMAN AMRUTA JADHAV Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4120.00 47,380
Total0.5000 23.00 4120.0047,380
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 14 2.8800
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NANA VITTHAL THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Total2.0000 23.00 4300.00197,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 14 2.8800 Protective Irrigation Private NANA VITTHAL THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Total2.0000 23.00 4300.00197,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 141 1.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KALU BABAN CHAUDHARI Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 23.00 4200.00 28,980
Total0.3000 23.00 4200.0028,980
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 141 1.4000 Protective Irrigation Private KALU BABAN CHAUDHARI Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 23.00 4200.00 28,980
Total0.3000 23.00 4200.0028,980
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 142 2.0300
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NARMADABAI SADASHIV CHAUDHARI Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 142 2.0300 Protective Irrigation Private NARMADABAI SADASHIV CHAUDHARI Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 15 5.7600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 4.1000 23.00 4200.00 396,060
Kharif Fiber Crops 5.0000 32.00 8500.00 1,360,000
Total9.1000 55.00 12700.001,756,060
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 15 5.7600 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 4.1000 23.00 4200.00 396,060
Kharif Fiber Crops 5.0000 32.00 8500.00 1,360,000
Total9.1000 55.00 12700.001,756,060
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 168 2.4500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SADASHIV GOPALA THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4100.00 180,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 31.00 7500.00 232,500
Total3.0000 53.00 11600.00412,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 168 2.4500 Protective Irrigation Private SADASHIV GOPALA THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 22.00 4100.00 180,400
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 31.00 7500.00 232,500
Total3.0000 53.00 11600.00412,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 17 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAVINDRA GOPALA CHAUDHARI AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 17 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private RAVINDRA GOPALA CHAUDHARI AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4200.00 144,900
Total1.5000 23.00 4200.00144,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 171 0.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA PANDHARINATH THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4210.00 48,415
Total0.5000 23.00 4210.0048,415
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 171 0.5000 Protective Irrigation Private AMRUTA PANDHARINATH THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4210.00 48,415
Total0.5000 23.00 4210.0048,415
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 18 4.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM VITTHAL THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 23.00 3980.00 366,160
Total4.0000 23.00 3980.00366,160
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 18 4.2000 Protective Irrigation Private DEVRAM VITTHAL THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.0000 23.00 3980.00 366,160
Total4.0000 23.00 3980.00366,160
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 19 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH MANGALU BHOYE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4000.00 73,600
Total0.8000 23.00 4000.0073,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 19 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH MANGALU BHOYE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4000.00 73,600
Total0.8000 23.00 4000.0073,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 20 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DEVKABAI YASHWANT THAKARE AND ECT Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4500.00 103,500
Total1.0000 23.00 4500.00103,500
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 20 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private DEVKABAI YASHWANT THAKARE AND ECT Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4500.00 103,500
Total1.0000 23.00 4500.00103,500
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 21 4.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MANOHAR LAXMAN THEPANE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4200.00 289,800
Total3.0000 23.00 4200.00289,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 21 4.0000 Protective Irrigation Private MANOHAR LAXMAN THEPANE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4200.00 289,800
Total3.0000 23.00 4200.00289,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 23 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHRAVAN GOVINDA THEPANE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 23 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SHRAVAN GOVINDA THEPANE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 23/ 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NARMADABAI VITTHAL BHOYE AND ECT Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4230.00 97,290
Total1.0000 23.00 4230.0097,290
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 23/ 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private NARMADABAI VITTHAL BHOYE AND ECT Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4230.00 97,290
Total1.0000 23.00 4230.0097,290
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 24 0.2400
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NAJHAJI KALU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.2000 23.00 3690.00 16,974
Total0.2000 23.00 3690.0016,974
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 24 0.2400 Protective Irrigation Private NAJHAJI KALU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.2000 23.00 3690.00 16,974
Total0.2000 23.00 3690.0016,974
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 25 1.3000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KALU BABAN CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 25 1.3000 Protective Irrigation Private KALU BABAN CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4300.00 98,900
Total1.0000 23.00 4300.0098,900
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 250 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK AABA CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 250 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK AABA CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4200.00 48,300
Total0.5000 23.00 4200.0048,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 26 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SITABAI DEVRAM CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4200.00 77,280
Total0.8000 23.00 4200.0077,280
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 26 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SITABAI DEVRAM CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 4200.00 77,280
Total0.8000 23.00 4200.0077,280
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 27 1.9000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private TANHAJI SHANKAR CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 23.00 3800.00 157,320
Total1.8000 23.00 3800.00157,320
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 27 1.9000 Protective Irrigation Private TANHAJI SHANKAR CHAUDHARI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 23.00 3800.00 157,320
Total1.8000 23.00 3800.00157,320
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 34 5.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUSHPA DNYANESHWAR GAVIT AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.5000 23.00 3900.00 403,650
Total4.5000 23.00 3900.00403,650
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 34 5.0000 Protective Irrigation Private PUSHPA DNYANESHWAR GAVIT AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.5000 23.00 3900.00 403,650
Total4.5000 23.00 3900.00403,650
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 35 5.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SANTOSH VISHNU KARATE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 4.5000 23.00 4100.00 424,350
Total4.5000 23.00 4100.00424,350
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 35 5.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SANTOSH VISHNU KARATE AND ETC Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 4.5000 23.00 4100.00 424,350
Total4.5000 23.00 4100.00424,350
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 35/ 1.1500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VAMAN DEVRAM GAIKWAD Others Single Crop Oilseeds 0.5000 38.00 4120.00 78,280
Total0.5000 38.00 4120.0078,280
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 35/ 1.1500 Protective Irrigation Private VAMAN DEVRAM GAIKWAD Others Single Crop Oilseeds 0.5000 38.00 4120.00 78,280
Total0.5000 38.00 4120.0078,280
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 36/35/55/34/36/57/55 120.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RATNABAI NAMDEV NIMBEKAR AND ETC Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 31.0000 23.00 4200.00 2,994,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 11.0000 21.00 7500.00 1,732,500
Total42.0000 44.00 11700.004,727,100
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 36/35/55/34/36/57/55 120.5000 Protective Irrigation Private RATNABAI NAMDEV NIMBEKAR AND ETC Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 31.0000 23.00 4200.00 2,994,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 11.0000 21.00 7500.00 1,732,500
Total42.0000 44.00 11700.004,727,100
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 42 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHAMRAO UTTAMRAO THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4230.00 97,290
Total1.0000 23.00 4230.0097,290
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 42 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SHAMRAO UTTAMRAO THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4230.00 97,290
Total1.0000 23.00 4230.0097,290
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 43 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private UTGAM BHAURAO THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 43 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private UTGAM BHAURAO THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 43/ 1.8900
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private UTTAM BHAURAO THEPANE Others Single Crop Fiber Crops 1.8900 23.00 4100.00 178,227
Total1.8900 23.00 4100.00178,227
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 43/ 1.8900 Protective Irrigation Private UTTAM BHAURAO THEPANE Others Single Crop Fiber Crops 1.8900 23.00 4100.00 178,227
Total1.8900 23.00 4100.00178,227
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 44 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KALABAI KRUSHNA THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4210.00 290,490
Total3.0000 23.00 4210.00290,490
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 44 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private KALABAI KRUSHNA THEPANE Rainfed Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4210.00 290,490
Total3.0000 23.00 4210.00290,490
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 49 3.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private JAYSHREE NAMDEV GANGURDE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.5000 23.00 4500.00 362,250
Total3.5000 23.00 4500.00362,250
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 49 3.8000 Protective Irrigation Private JAYSHREE NAMDEV GANGURDE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.5000 23.00 4500.00 362,250
Total3.5000 23.00 4500.00362,250
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 50 3.5200
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4100.00 282,900
Kharif Fiber Crops 2.0000 32.00 7600.00 486,400
Total5.0000 55.00 11700.00769,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 50 3.5200 Protective Irrigation Community Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4100.00 282,900
Kharif Fiber Crops 2.0000 32.00 7600.00 486,400
Total5.0000 55.00 11700.00769,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 51 1.8700
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAMCHANDRA NANA THEPANE Others Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 23.00 4600.00 190,440
Total1.8000 23.00 4600.00190,440
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 51 1.8700 Protective Irrigation Private RAMCHANDRA NANA THEPANE Others Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 23.00 4600.00 190,440
Total1.8000 23.00 4600.00190,440
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 52/53/55/56/57/59 103.3000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NANDAKUMAR LAXMAN UDAR Others Single Crop Fiber Crops 38.0000 21.00 4300.00 3,431,400
Total38.0000 21.00 4300.003,431,400
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 52/53/55/56/57/59 103.3000 Protective Irrigation Private NANDAKUMAR LAXMAN UDAR Others Single Crop Fiber Crops 38.0000 21.00 4300.00 3,431,400
Total38.0000 21.00 4300.003,431,400
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 53/51/58/59/54/60/62 160.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RADHABAI VALU THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 23.0000 22.00 4100.00 2,074,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 31.0000 41.00 7200.00 9,151,200
Total54.0000 63.00 11300.0011,225,800
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 53/51/58/59/54/60/62 160.0000 Protective Irrigation Private RADHABAI VALU THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 23.0000 22.00 4100.00 2,074,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 31.0000 41.00 7200.00 9,151,200
Total54.0000 63.00 11300.0011,225,800
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 62 1.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH MANGALU BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 28.00 4600.00 193,200
Total1.5000 28.00 4600.00193,200
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 62 1.8000 Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH MANGALU BHOYE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 28.00 4600.00 193,200
Total1.5000 28.00 4600.00193,200
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 64 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private RAMESH SAKHARAM CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 23.00 3900.00 251,160
Total2.8000 23.00 3900.00251,160
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 64 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private RAMESH SAKHARAM CHAUDHARI AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 23.00 3900.00 251,160
Total2.8000 23.00 3900.00251,160
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 66 4.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHIMANA JHIPRA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.8000 23.00 4900.00 428,260
Total3.8000 23.00 4900.00428,260
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 66 4.0000 Protective Irrigation Private CHIMANA JHIPRA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.8000 23.00 4900.00 428,260
Total3.8000 23.00 4900.00428,260
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 67 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VINAYAK YASHWANT THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 23.00 4600.00 264,500
Total2.5000 23.00 4600.00264,500
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 67 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private VINAYAK YASHWANT THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.5000 23.00 4600.00 264,500
Total2.5000 23.00 4600.00264,500
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 68 6.0600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VITTHAL SAVLIRAM ZIRVAL Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 68 6.0600 Protective Irrigation Private VITTHAL SAVLIRAM ZIRVAL Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 72 2.2700
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH SAVLIRAM THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.1000 42.00 7500.00 346,500
Total3.1000 65.00 11800.00544,300
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 72 2.2700 Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH SAVLIRAM THEPANE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4300.00 197,800
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.1000 42.00 7500.00 346,500
Total3.1000 65.00 11800.00544,300
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 73 1.9600
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private TANAJI KALU THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4600.00 158,700
Total1.5000 23.00 4600.00158,700
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 73 1.9600 Protective Irrigation Private TANAJI KALU THEPANE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 23.00 4600.00 158,700
Total1.5000 23.00 4600.00158,700
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 76 5.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR PANDURANG BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 76 5.2000 Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR PANDURANG BHOYE AND ETC Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4200.00 96,600
Total1.0000 23.00 4200.0096,600
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 77 2.5500
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private TULSHIRAM BALU BHOYE AND ETC Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 77 2.5500 Protective Irrigation Private TULSHIRAM BALU BHOYE AND ETC Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 78 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NARENDRA AMRUTA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4100.00 37,720
Total0.4000 23.00 4100.0037,720
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 78 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private NARENDRA AMRUTA THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.4000 23.00 4100.00 37,720
Total0.4000 23.00 4100.0037,720
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 78/ 1.3400
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private PANDHARINATH KALU THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 78/ 1.3400 No Irrigation Private PANDHARINATH KALU THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 79 1.3600
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private SITARAM SHIVAJI THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 79 1.3600 No Irrigation Private SITARAM SHIVAJI THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 80 1.0300
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Private KRUSHNA KALU THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 80 1.0300 No Irrigation Private KRUSHNA KALU THEPANE Others No Crop 0
Total0 0 00
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 84 0.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK SANTU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4300.00 59,340
Total0.6000 23.00 4300.0059,340
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 84 0.6000 Protective Irrigation Private PUNDLIK SANTU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 23.00 4300.00 59,340
Total0.6000 23.00 4300.0059,340
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 89 3.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KACHRABAI KASHINATH GAWALI Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4100.00 282,900
Kharif Pasture 1.0000 21.00 2100.00 44,100
Total4.0000 44.00 6200.00327,000
As on Date
DINDORI KOKANGAON BK. Thepanwadi 89 3.4000 Protective Irrigation Private KACHRABAI KASHINATH GAWALI Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 3.0000 23.00 4100.00 282,900
Kharif Pasture 1.0000 21.00 2100.00 44,100
Total4.0000 44.00 6200.00327,000
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 114 1.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private PRASAD RAMCHANDRA SARAF AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 3800.00 87,400
Total1.0000 23.00 3800.0087,400
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 114 1.4000 Protective Irrigation Private PRASAD RAMCHANDRA SARAF AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 3800.00 87,400
Total1.0000 23.00 3800.0087,400
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 131 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHABU BHIMA SHINGADE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 22.00 3900.00 51,480
Total0.6000 22.00 3900.0051,480
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 131 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private CHABU BHIMA SHINGADE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.6000 22.00 3900.00 51,480
Total0.6000 22.00 3900.0051,480
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 138 0.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MINABAI LAXMAN GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 23.00 3300.00 22,770
Total0.3000 23.00 3300.0022,770
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 138 0.4000 Protective Irrigation Private MINABAI LAXMAN GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.3000 23.00 3300.00 22,770
Total0.3000 23.00 3300.0022,770
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 139 0.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DATTU NIVRUTTI GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4100.00 47,150
Total0.5000 23.00 4100.0047,150
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 139 0.8000 Protective Irrigation Private DATTU NIVRUTTI GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.5000 23.00 4100.00 47,150
Total0.5000 23.00 4100.0047,150
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 150/151 1.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private ASHOK VASANT KUTE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 24.00 4100.00 98,400
Total1.0000 24.00 4100.0098,400
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 150/151 1.6000 Protective Irrigation Private ASHOK VASANT KUTE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 24.00 4100.00 98,400
Total1.0000 24.00 4100.0098,400
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 158/A 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private POPAT DAMODAR PALAVE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.7000 23.00 3800.00 61,180
Total0.7000 23.00 3800.0061,180
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 158/A 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private POPAT DAMODAR PALAVE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.7000 23.00 3800.00 61,180
Total0.7000 23.00 3800.0061,180
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 158/A/ 5.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BALASAHEB DAMODAR PALAVE, ARJUN DAMODAR PALAVE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.8000 23.00 3900.00 430,560
Total4.8000 23.00 3900.00430,560
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 158/A/ 5.6000 Protective Irrigation Private BALASAHEB DAMODAR PALAVE, ARJUN DAMODAR PALAVE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 4.8000 23.00 3900.00 430,560
Total4.8000 23.00 3900.00430,560
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 159 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHAMKUMAR BHIKAJI NIPUNGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.7000 23.00 3900.00 62,790
Total0.7000 23.00 3900.0062,790
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 159 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SHAMKUMAR BHIKAJI NIPUNGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.7000 23.00 3900.00 62,790
Total0.7000 23.00 3900.0062,790
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 160 1.1000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHAMKUMAR BHIKAJI NIPUNGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 3800.00 63,840
Total0.8000 21.00 3800.0063,840
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 160 1.1000 Protective Irrigation Private SHAMKUMAR BHIKAJI NIPUNGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 21.00 3800.00 63,840
Total0.8000 21.00 3800.0063,840
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 160/ 1.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHASKAR BHIKAJI NIPUNGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Total1.0000 23.00 4100.0094,300
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 160/ 1.2000 Protective Irrigation Private BHASKAR BHIKAJI NIPUNGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 23.00 4100.00 94,300
Total1.0000 23.00 4100.0094,300
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 166 1.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VISHNU DADA SHINGADE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 3900.00 85,800
Total1.0000 22.00 3900.0085,800
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 166 1.2000 Protective Irrigation Private VISHNU DADA SHINGADE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.0000 22.00 3900.00 85,800
Total1.0000 22.00 3900.0085,800
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 169 3.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHASKAR DAMU LILAKE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.9800 24.00 3800.00 271,776
Total2.9800 24.00 3800.00271,776
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 169 3.5000 Protective Irrigation Private BHASKAR DAMU LILAKE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.9800 24.00 3800.00 271,776
Total2.9800 24.00 3800.00271,776
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 171 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SHRIPAT KACHARU GANGODE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 24.00 4200.00 181,440
Total1.8000 24.00 4200.00181,440
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 171 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SHRIPAT KACHARU GANGODE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.8000 24.00 4200.00 181,440
Total1.8000 24.00 4200.00181,440
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 174 2.8000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BALU MADHUKAR RAHERE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 174 2.8000 Protective Irrigation Private BALU MADHUKAR RAHERE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 23.00 4200.00 193,200
Total2.0000 23.00 4200.00193,200
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 177 1.5000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BALU KACHARU GANGOGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.3000 23.00 3900.00 116,610
Total1.3000 23.00 3900.00116,610
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 177 1.5000 Protective Irrigation Private BALU KACHARU GANGOGE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.3000 23.00 3900.00 116,610
Total1.3000 23.00 3900.00116,610
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 181 3.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR SHANKAR SHINGADE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 25.00 4500.00 337,500
Total3.0000 25.00 4500.00337,500
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 181 3.2000 Protective Irrigation Private MURLIDHAR SHANKAR SHINGADE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 25.00 4500.00 337,500
Total3.0000 25.00 4500.00337,500
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 197 3.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private JAGANNATH SUKHA GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 22.00 4300.00 283,800
Total3.0000 22.00 4300.00283,800
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 197 3.2000 Protective Irrigation Private JAGANNATH SUKHA GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 22.00 4300.00 283,800
Total3.0000 22.00 4300.00283,800
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 198 2.4000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VENUBAI SHIVRAM GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 20.00 3900.00 156,000
Total2.0000 20.00 3900.00156,000
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 198 2.4000 Protective Irrigation Private VENUBAI SHIVRAM GANGODE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.0000 20.00 3900.00 156,000
Total2.0000 20.00 3900.00156,000
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 204 2.7000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SONUBAI RAMDAS KARHATE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.3000 23.00 4100.00 216,890
Total2.3000 23.00 4100.00216,890
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 204 2.7000 Protective Irrigation Private SONUBAI RAMDAS KARHATE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.3000 23.00 4100.00 216,890
Total2.3000 23.00 4100.00216,890
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 206 3.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHIMABAI BUAJI THEPANR AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 24.00 2900.00 208,800
Total3.0000 24.00 2900.00208,800
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 206 3.2000 Protective Irrigation Private BHIMABAI BUAJI THEPANR AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 24.00 2900.00 208,800
Total3.0000 24.00 2900.00208,800
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 207 3.2000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private FAKIRA JHIPRU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 32.00 4500.00 432,000
Total3.0000 32.00 4500.00432,000
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 207 3.2000 Protective Irrigation Private FAKIRA JHIPRU THEPANE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 3.0000 32.00 4500.00 432,000
Total3.0000 32.00 4500.00432,000
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 225 2.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN RAOJI THEPNE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 22.00 3900.00 128,700
Total1.5000 22.00 3900.00128,700
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 225 2.0000 Protective Irrigation Private LAXMAN RAOJI THEPNE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 22.00 3900.00 128,700
Total1.5000 22.00 3900.00128,700
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 226 3.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private CHANDRABHAGA NAMDEV GAWALI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 22.00 3800.00 234,080
Total2.8000 22.00 3800.00234,080
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 226 3.0000 Protective Irrigation Private CHANDRABHAGA NAMDEV GAWALI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 2.8000 22.00 3800.00 234,080
Total2.8000 22.00 3800.00234,080
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 231 72.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BUDHA P[UNJA SINGADE Others Single Crop Cereals 48.3000 23.00 3900.00 4,332,510
Total48.3000 23.00 3900.004,332,510
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 231 72.0000 Protective Irrigation Private BUDHA P[UNJA SINGADE Others Single Crop Cereals 48.3000 23.00 3900.00 4,332,510
Total48.3000 23.00 3900.004,332,510
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 234 58.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Private VISHNU DADA SHINGADE Others Single Crop Cereals 32.9000 23.00 3500.00 2,648,450
Total32.9000 23.00 3500.002,648,450
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 234 58.0000 Assured Irrigation Private VISHNU DADA SHINGADE Others Single Crop Cereals 32.9000 23.00 3500.00 2,648,450
Total32.9000 23.00 3500.002,648,450
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 235 1.7000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH CHINTAMAN MAHALE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4300.00 135,450
Total1.5000 21.00 4300.00135,450
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 235 1.7000 Protective Irrigation Private KASHINATH CHINTAMAN MAHALE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.5000 21.00 4300.00 135,450
Total1.5000 21.00 4300.00135,450
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 331 42.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Govt. Others Single Crop Cereals 20.8000 25.00 3500.00 1,820,000
Total20.8000 25.00 3500.001,820,000
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 331 42.0000 Assured Irrigation Govt. Others Single Crop Cereals 20.8000 25.00 3500.00 1,820,000
Total20.8000 25.00 3500.001,820,000
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 331/ 297.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Govt. Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 88.0000 23.00 3900.00 7,893,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 21.8500 32.00 2800.00 1,957,760
Total109.8500 55.00 6700.009,851,360
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 331/ 297.0000 Protective Irrigation Govt. Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 88.0000 23.00 3900.00 7,893,600
Kharif Fiber Crops 21.8500 32.00 2800.00 1,957,760
Total109.8500 55.00 6700.009,851,360
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 355 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private NIVRUTTI PANDURANG SHINDE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 3100.00 54,560
Total0.8000 22.00 3100.0054,560
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 355 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private NIVRUTTI PANDURANG SHINDE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 22.00 3100.00 54,560
Total0.8000 22.00 3100.0054,560
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 357 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private VISWANATH PANDURANG SHINDE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 3100.00 57,040
Total0.8000 23.00 3100.0057,040
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 357 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private VISWANATH PANDURANG SHINDE Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 3100.00 57,040
Total0.8000 23.00 3100.0057,040
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 358 1.6000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private DAMODAR KACHARU SONAWANE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 25.00 3900.00 117,000
Total1.2000 25.00 3900.00117,000
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 358 1.6000 Protective Irrigation Private DAMODAR KACHARU SONAWANE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 1.2000 25.00 3900.00 117,000
Total1.2000 25.00 3900.00117,000
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 360 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private SARIBAI KHANDU KADALI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 3700.00 68,080
Total0.8000 23.00 3700.0068,080
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 360 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private SARIBAI KHANDU KADALI Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.8000 23.00 3700.00 68,080
Total0.8000 23.00 3700.0068,080
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 365 3.3000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private TRIMBAK PANDURANG SHINDE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.1000 23.00 3600.00 91,080
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 30.00 5500.00 165,000
Total2.1000 53.00 9100.00256,080
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 365 3.3000 Protective Irrigation Private TRIMBAK PANDURANG SHINDE Others Double Crop Rabi Cereals 1.1000 23.00 3600.00 91,080
Kharif Fiber Crops 1.0000 30.00 5500.00 165,000
Total2.1000 53.00 9100.00256,080
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 377 1.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Private BHAGWAT KHANDU SHINGADE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.7000 20.00 3100.00 43,400
Total0.7000 20.00 3100.0043,400
As on Date
DINDORI WAGHAD Waghad 377 1.0000 Protective Irrigation Private BHAGWAT KHANDU SHINGADE AND ETC. Degraded Land Single Crop Cereals 0.7000 20.00 3100.00 43,400
Total0.7000 20.00 3100.0043,400
Grand Total(Baseline)2488.0000 1241.54009976.00 1781806.00324,421,226.2
Grand Total(Outcome)2488.0000 1241.54009976.00 1781806.00324,421,226.2