A- A A+ English Hindi
Report-O4(ProjectDetail) Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status for Project

Report as on: 05/02/2025 11:28 AM

District:- PAPUM PARE
Project:- PAPUM PARE-WDC - 1 /2021-22
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
SAGALEE DODANG (NEW) Apop -II AP1 100.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 15.0000 8.00 800.00 96,000
Plantation 10.0000 7.00 650.00 45,500
Total25.0000 15.00 1450.00141,500
As on Date
SAGALEE DODANG (NEW) Apop -II AP1 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 15.0000 8.00 800.00 96,000
Plantation 10.0000 7.00 650.00 45,500
Total25.0000 15.00 1450.00141,500
SAGALEE BOKORIANG -II Chumbang CH2 100.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 12.0000 8.00 800.00 76,800
Others 8.0000 7.00 700.00 39,200
Total20.0000 15.00 1500.00116,000
As on Date
SAGALEE BOKORIANG -II Chumbang CH2 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 12.0000 8.00 800.00 76,800
Others 8.0000 7.00 700.00 39,200
Total20.0000 15.00 1500.00116,000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 15.0000 8.00 800.00 96,000
Others 8.0000 9.00 900.00 64,800
Total23.0000 17.00 1700.00160,800
As on Date
SAGALEE DAKTE-HOJ(NEW) Hoj -I HJ3 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 15.0000 8.00 800.00 96,000
Others 8.0000 9.00 900.00 64,800
Total23.0000 17.00 1700.00160,800
MENGIO PAKI Lamte LT4 100.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 7.0000 9.00 900.00 56,700
Plantation 18.0000 9.00 900.00 145,800
Total25.0000 18.00 1800.00202,500
As on Date
MENGIO PAKI Lamte LT4 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 7.0000 9.00 900.00 56,700
Plantation 18.0000 9.00 900.00 145,800
Total25.0000 18.00 1800.00202,500
SAGALEE LANGDING Langdang LD5 100.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 6.0000 5.00 500.00 15,000
Plantation 16.0000 9.00 900.00 129,600
Total22.0000 14.00 1400.00144,600
As on Date
SAGALEE LANGDING Langdang LD5 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 6.0000 5.00 500.00 15,000
Plantation 16.0000 9.00 900.00 129,600
Total22.0000 14.00 1400.00144,600
SAGALEE PARANG Parang(Paring) PG6 1000.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 40.0000 8.00 800.00 256,000
Plantation 45.0000 7.00 750.00 236,250
Others 20.0000 8.00 800.00 128,000
Total105.0000 23.00 2350.00620,250
As on Date
SAGALEE PARANG Parang(Paring) PG6 1000.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 40.0000 8.00 800.00 256,000
Plantation 45.0000 7.00 750.00 236,250
Others 20.0000 8.00 800.00 128,000
Total105.0000 23.00 2350.00620,250
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 13.0000 8.00 800.00 83,200
Plantation 4.0000 7.00 700.00 19,600
Total17.0000 15.00 1500.00102,800
As on Date
SAGALEE RAYEE (NEW) Pech PECH7 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 13.0000 8.00 800.00 83,200
Plantation 4.0000 7.00 700.00 19,600
Total17.0000 15.00 1500.00102,800
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 12.0000 9.00 900.00 97,200
Others 9.0000 8.00 800.00 57,600
Total21.0000 17.00 1700.00154,800
As on Date
SAGALEE RACH TABIO(NEW) Rach - III RCH8 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Degraded Land Single Crop Horticulture 12.0000 9.00 900.00 97,200
Others 9.0000 8.00 800.00 57,600
Total21.0000 17.00 1700.00154,800
MENGIO RIGIO PIGIO Rigio - II RG9 100.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 15.0000 7.00 700.00 73,500
Others 9.0000 6.00 600.00 32,400
Total24.0000 13.00 1300.00105,900
As on Date
MENGIO RIGIO PIGIO Rigio - II RG9 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 15.0000 7.00 700.00 73,500
Others 9.0000 6.00 600.00 32,400
Total24.0000 13.00 1300.00105,900
SAGALEE PARANG Sangia Gyabe SG10 1000.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Community Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 34.0000 7.00 700.00 166,600
Plantation 52.0000 8.00 800.00 332,800
Others 25.0000 8.00 850.00 170,000
Total111.0000 23.00 2350.00669,400
As on Date
SAGALEE PARANG Sangia Gyabe SG10 1000.0000 Assured Irrigation Community Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 34.0000 7.00 700.00 166,600
Plantation 52.0000 8.00 800.00 332,800
Others 25.0000 8.00 850.00 170,000
Total111.0000 23.00 2350.00669,400
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 7.0000 8.00 800.00 44,800
Plantation 7.0000 8.00 800.00 44,800
Total14.0000 16.00 1600.0089,600
As on Date
SAGALEE LEPORIANG Tabio TB11 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 7.0000 8.00 800.00 44,800
Plantation 7.0000 8.00 800.00 44,800
Total14.0000 16.00 1600.0089,600
SAGALEE TORU Toru H.Q. TOR12 100.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 11.0000 9.00 900.00 89,100
Plantation 12.0000 8.00 800.00 76,800
Total23.0000 17.00 1700.00165,900
As on Date
SAGALEE TORU Toru H.Q. TOR12 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Rainfed Single Crop Horticulture 11.0000 9.00 900.00 89,100
Plantation 12.0000 8.00 800.00 76,800
Total23.0000 17.00 1700.00165,900
Grand Total(Baseline)3000.0000 430.0000203.00 20350.002,674,050
Grand Total(Outcome)3000.0000 430.0000203.00 20350.002,674,050