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Report-O4(ProjectDetail) Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status for Project

Report as on: 05/02/2025 08:23 PM

Project:- PAKKE KESSANG-WDC - 1 /2021-22
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 250.0000 6.00 700.00 1,050,000
Others 250.0000 7.00 650.00 1,137,500
Total500.0000 13.00 1350.002,187,500
As on Date
PAKKEKESSANG RILLOH-I Gumte GM3 500.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 250.0000 6.00 700.00 1,050,000
Others 250.0000 7.00 650.00 1,137,500
Total500.0000 13.00 1350.002,187,500
PAKKEKESSANG TENGRI (Res) Hote Veo HV4 500.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 250.0000 7.00 650.00 1,137,500
Others 250.0000 8.00 600.00 1,200,000
Total500.0000 15.00 1250.002,337,500
As on Date
PAKKEKESSANG TENGRI (Res) Hote Veo HV4 500.0000 Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 250.0000 7.00 650.00 1,137,500
Others 250.0000 8.00 600.00 1,200,000
Total500.0000 15.00 1250.002,337,500
Seijosa JOLLY Jolly JL1 160.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 7.00 650.00 728,000
Total160.0000 7.00 650.00728,000
As on Date
Seijosa JOLLY Jolly JL1 160.0000 Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 7.00 650.00 728,000
Total160.0000 7.00 650.00728,000
Seijosa JOLLY Lanka LK5 160.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 8.00 600.00 768,000
Total160.0000 8.00 600.00768,000
As on Date
Seijosa JOLLY Lanka LK5 160.0000 Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 8.00 600.00 768,000
Total160.0000 8.00 600.00768,000
Seijosa TAPISO Lasum Pathe LS2 160.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 7.00 650.00 728,000
Total160.0000 7.00 650.00728,000
As on Date
Seijosa TAPISO Lasum Pathe LS2 160.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 7.00 650.00 728,000
Total160.0000 7.00 650.00728,000
Seijosa JOLLY Mobuso - II MO6 180.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 90.0000 7.00 650.00 409,500
Others 90.0000 8.00 600.00 432,000
Total180.0000 15.00 1250.00841,500
As on Date
Seijosa JOLLY Mobuso - II MO6 180.0000 Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Plantation 90.0000 7.00 650.00 409,500
Others 90.0000 8.00 600.00 432,000
Total180.0000 15.00 1250.00841,500
Seijosa TAPISO New Dissing ND7 160.0000
As on Baseline
Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 7.00 650.00 728,000
Total160.0000 7.00 650.00728,000
As on Date
Seijosa TAPISO New Dissing ND7 160.0000 Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 160.0000 7.00 650.00 728,000
Total160.0000 7.00 650.00728,000
Seijosa TAPISO Tapaso TS8- 180.0000
As on Baseline
Protective Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 180.0000 6.00 600.00 648,000
Total180.0000 6.00 600.00648,000
As on Date
Seijosa TAPISO Tapaso TS8- 180.0000 Protective Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Others 180.0000 6.00 600.00 648,000
Total180.0000 6.00 600.00648,000
Grand Total(Baseline)2000.0000 2000.000078.00 7000.008,966,500
Grand Total(Outcome)2000.0000 2000.000078.00 7000.008,966,500