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Report-O4(ProjectDetail) Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status for Project

Report as on: 05/02/2025 08:23 PM

Project:- LOWER DIBANG VALLEY-WDC - 1 /2021-22
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
ROING KANGKONG Katan KAT01 200.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 40.0000 9.00 250.00 90,000
Kharif Horticulture 65.0000 9.00 180.00 105,300
Summer Others 32.0000 8.00 139.00 35,584
Total137.0000 26.00 569.00230,884
As on Date
ROING KANGKONG Katan KAT01 200.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 40.0000 9.00 250.00 90,000
Kharif Horticulture 65.0000 9.00 180.00 105,300
Summer Others 32.0000 8.00 139.00 35,584
Total137.0000 26.00 569.00230,884
DAMBUK PAGLAM- B Lower Paglam LPB01 200.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 35.0000 9.00 109.00 34,335
Kharif Horticulture 32.0000 9.00 112.00 32,256
Summer Others 36.0000 8.00 123.00 35,424
Total103.0000 26.00 344.00102,015
As on Date
DAMBUK PAGLAM- B Lower Paglam LPB01 200.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 35.0000 9.00 109.00 34,335
Kharif Horticulture 32.0000 9.00 112.00 32,256
Summer Others 36.0000 8.00 123.00 35,424
Total103.0000 26.00 344.00102,015
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 35.0000 8.00 121.00 33,880
Kharif Horticulture 32.0000 8.00 134.00 34,304
Summer Others 36.0000 8.00 114.00 32,832
Total103.0000 24.00 369.00101,016
As on Date
DAMBUK PAGLAM- B Paglam III PAGIII 200.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 35.0000 8.00 121.00 33,880
Kharif Horticulture 32.0000 8.00 134.00 34,304
Summer Others 36.0000 8.00 114.00 32,832
Total103.0000 24.00 369.00101,016
DAMBUK POBLUNG-A Poblung - I POB-I 150.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 9.00 180.00 48,600
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 175.00 49,000
Summer Others 28.0000 8.00 190.00 42,560
Total93.0000 25.00 545.00140,160
As on Date
DAMBUK POBLUNG-A Poblung - I POB-I 150.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 9.00 180.00 48,600
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 175.00 49,000
Summer Others 28.0000 8.00 190.00 42,560
Total93.0000 25.00 545.00140,160
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 9.00 150.00 40,500
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 220.00 61,600
Summer Others 35.0000 8.00 210.00 58,800
Total100.0000 25.00 580.00160,900
As on Date
DAMBUK POBLUNG-C Poblung III POB-III 150.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 9.00 150.00 40,500
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 220.00 61,600
Summer Others 35.0000 8.00 210.00 58,800
Total100.0000 25.00 580.00160,900
DAMBUK REMI Remi REM-1 150.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 9.00 186.00 50,220
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 200.00 56,000
Summer Others 25.0000 8.00 120.00 24,000
Total90.0000 25.00 506.00130,220
As on Date
DAMBUK REMI Remi REM-1 150.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 9.00 186.00 50,220
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 200.00 56,000
Summer Others 25.0000 8.00 120.00 24,000
Total90.0000 25.00 506.00130,220
ROING MOBANG-II Sangoo SANG02 300.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 64.0000 9.00 180.00 103,680
Kharif Horticulture 60.0000 9.00 121.00 65,340
Summer Others 35.0000 9.00 118.00 37,170
Total159.0000 27.00 419.00206,190
As on Date
ROING MOBANG-II Sangoo SANG02 300.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 64.0000 9.00 180.00 103,680
Kharif Horticulture 60.0000 9.00 121.00 65,340
Summer Others 35.0000 9.00 118.00 37,170
Total159.0000 27.00 419.00206,190
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 32.0000 9.00 107.00 30,816
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 9.00 180.00 56,700
Summer Others 28.0000 9.00 121.00 30,492
Total95.0000 27.00 408.00118,008
As on Date
DAMBUK TAPAT-KAPANG Tapat TAP-KAP02 150.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 32.0000 9.00 107.00 30,816
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 9.00 180.00 56,700
Summer Others 28.0000 9.00 121.00 30,492
Total95.0000 27.00 408.00118,008
DAMBUK PAGLAM-A Upper Paglam UPA03 200.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 8.00 98.00 23,520
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 112.00 31,360
Summer Others 35.0000 8.00 115.00 32,200
Total100.0000 24.00 325.0087,080
As on Date
DAMBUK PAGLAM-A Upper Paglam UPA03 200.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 30.0000 8.00 98.00 23,520
Kharif Horticulture 35.0000 8.00 112.00 31,360
Summer Others 35.0000 8.00 115.00 32,200
Total100.0000 24.00 325.0087,080
DAMBUK YAPGO Yagpo YAP02 100.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 22.0000 8.00 130.00 22,880
Kharif Horticulture 28.0000 9.00 135.00 34,020
Summer Others 18.0000 9.00 108.00 17,496
Total68.0000 26.00 373.0074,396
As on Date
DAMBUK YAPGO Yagpo YAP02 100.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Plantation 22.0000 8.00 130.00 22,880
Kharif Horticulture 28.0000 9.00 135.00 34,020
Summer Others 18.0000 9.00 108.00 17,496
Total68.0000 26.00 373.0074,396
ROING PARBUK Zemi ZEM03 200.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Others 32.0000 9.00 108.00 31,104
Kharif Horticulture 41.0000 9.00 114.00 42,066
Summer Others 32.0000 9.00 127.00 36,576
Total105.0000 27.00 349.00109,746
As on Date
ROING PARBUK Zemi ZEM03 200.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Multiple Crop Rabi Others 32.0000 9.00 108.00 31,104
Kharif Horticulture 41.0000 9.00 114.00 42,066
Summer Others 32.0000 9.00 127.00 36,576
Total105.0000 27.00 349.00109,746
Grand Total(Baseline)2000.0000 1153.0000282.00 4787.001,460,615
Grand Total(Outcome)2000.0000 1153.0000282.00 4787.001,460,615