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Report-O4(ProjectDetail) Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status for Project

Report as on: 05/02/2025 04:15 PM

District:- EAST KAMENG
Project:- EAST KAMENG-WDC - 4 /2021-22
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
BAMENG EMBORIANG Emboriang EM1 500.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 4.00 350.00 14,000
Total58.0000 13.00 1100.00103,100
As on Date
BAMENG EMBORIANG Emboriang EM1 500.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 4.00 350.00 14,000
Total58.0000 13.00 1100.00103,100
Khenewa 40TH MILE Jawa Camp JW-01 250.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
As on Date
Khenewa 40TH MILE Jawa Camp JW-01 250.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
Khenewa 40TH MILE Kawa KW-01 250.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
As on Date
Khenewa 40TH MILE Kawa KW-01 250.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
Khenewa LAMNIO Lamnio-I (Res) LM-1 1000.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 50.0000 7.00 500.00 175,000
Plantation 40.0000 5.00 400.00 80,000
Others 30.0000 4.00 350.00 42,000
Total120.0000 16.00 1250.00297,000
As on Date
Khenewa LAMNIO Lamnio-I (Res) LM-1 1000.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 50.0000 7.00 500.00 175,000
Plantation 40.0000 5.00 400.00 80,000
Others 30.0000 4.00 350.00 42,000
Total120.0000 16.00 1250.00297,000
BAMENG LOWER LIYAK/SEKONG Lower Liyak LY-01 500.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 10.00 350.00 35,000
Total58.0000 19.00 1100.00124,100
As on Date
BAMENG LOWER LIYAK/SEKONG Lower Liyak LY-01 500.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 10.00 350.00 35,000
Total58.0000 19.00 1100.00124,100
Khenewa PAFFA Paffa PF-01 250.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
As on Date
Khenewa PAFFA Paffa PF-01 250.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
Khenewa SANGBIA Sangbia Camp SANG-01 250.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
As on Date
Khenewa SANGBIA Sangbia Camp SANG-01 250.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 20.0000 4.00 300.00 24,000
Plantation 15.0000 3.00 250.00 11,250
Others 10.0000 3.00 200.00 6,000
Total45.0000 10.00 750.0041,250
BAMENG TAWE Tawe TW-01 500.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 4.00 350.00 14,000
Total58.0000 13.00 1100.00103,100
As on Date
BAMENG TAWE Tawe TW-01 500.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 4.00 350.00 14,000
Total58.0000 13.00 1100.00103,100
BAMENG UPPER LIYAK Upper Liyak UL-01 500.0000
As on Baseline
No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 4.00 350.00 14,000
Total58.0000 13.00 1100.00103,100
As on Date
BAMENG UPPER LIYAK Upper Liyak UL-01 500.0000 No Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Horticulture 30.0000 5.00 450.00 67,500
Plantation 18.0000 4.00 300.00 21,600
Others 10.0000 4.00 350.00 14,000
Total58.0000 13.00 1100.00103,100
Grand Total(Baseline)4000.0000 532.0000114.00 8650.00895,400
Grand Total(Outcome)4000.0000 532.0000114.00 8650.00895,400