A- A A+ English Hindi
Report O5- State wise Comparison of Distribution of Total Area as Per Irrigation Status and Ownership Status as On Date with Baseline
Report O5- State wise Comparison of Distribution of Total Area as Per Irrigation Status and Ownership Status as On Date with Baseline

Report as on: 23/02/2025 01:55 AM

All area in ha.
S.No. State Total Project Area Plot Area Irrigation Status(Area) Ownership(Area)
Protective Irrigation Assured Irrigation No Irrigation Private Government Community Others
As on Baseline As on date As on Baseline As on date As on Baseline As on date As on Baseline As on date As on Baseline As on date As on Baseline As on date As on Baseline As on date
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 244,405.0000 244340.8000 46386.6500 54410.5000 1068.5200 1097.1500 196885.6300 188833.1500 207141.7600 207681.8100 22867.1500 22517.4900 8127.8100 7527.6600 6204.0800 6260.8900
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 150,915.0000 150915.0000 7340.0000 7340.0000 29110.0000 29110.0000 114465.0000 114465.0000 0 0 1250.0000 1250.0000 144065.0000 143415.0000 5600.0000 5600.0000
3 ASSAM 136,573.0000 128575.0400 28561.9600 28759.4600 8948.1000 8948.1000 91064.9800 90867.4800 18705.8300 18705.8300 376.7200 376.7200 38141.5900 37989.5900 71350.9000 70863.9300
4 BIHAR 171,610.0000 148786.1858 72162.0469 72162.0469 8025.9654 8025.9654 68598.1735 68598.1735 133808.8247 133808.3187 12608.6083 12608.6083 269.4725 269.4725 2099.2803 2098.7403
5 CHHATTISGARH 250,498.0000 250010.5235 42916.6821 42916.6821 31228.3437 31228.3437 175865.4977 175865.4977 168415.6500 168415.6500 79124.7390 79124.7390 397.1440 397.1440 2072.9905 2072.9905
6 GOA 19,985.0000 19984.9411 5525.7066 5525.7066 58.1162 58.1162 14401.1183 14401.1183 11510.2995 11510.2995 7429.9632 7429.9632 1043.0183 1043.0183 1.6601 1.6601
7 GUJARAT 292,367.0000 292334.9700 78454.2900 78454.2900 18945.8100 18945.8100 194934.8700 194934.8700 183091.8100 183028.2200 98922.6200 98922.2200 8450.0400 8450.0400 1870.5000 1870.5000
8 HARYANA 31,221.0000 31220.7139 22624.9433 22624.9433 516.3610 516.3610 8079.4096 8079.4096 27470.6382 27470.6382 1392.4360 1392.4360 1145.2334 1145.2334 1212.4063 1212.4063
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 54,000.0000 54000.3375 3918.8974 3918.8974 4221.8463 4221.8463 45859.5938 45859.5938 25513.8508 25513.8508 25199.8062 25199.8062 2075.9059 2075.9059 1210.7746 1210.7694
10 JHARKHAND 148,000.0000 144431.9443 39424.2695 39426.6415 9709.2146 9709.2846 95298.4602 95296.0182 87905.3029 87827.4461 44917.2509 44888.4208 1795.4920 1795.4920 9813.8985 9810.8092
11 KARNATAKA 290,007.0000 287104.7491 96398.7828 96394.8528 18686.1320 18686.1320 172016.2543 172020.1843 240315.9723 240207.4723 39739.2340 39371.2340 6035.5028 6403.5028 1014.0400 1014.0400
12 KERALA 26,163.0000 26162.7687 8349.9880 8349.9880 1289.4814 1289.4814 16523.2993 16523.2993 16243.6731 16243.4212 3083.3630 3083.3630 1199.6133 1199.6133 5636.1193 5636.1193
13 MADHYA PRADESH 509,670.0000 510536.9016 119764.9313 120167.2683 3424.0601 3425.8801 387347.9102 386943.7532 336541.3132 336538.3332 167596.1510 167517.1310 278.2900 278.2900 6121.1474 6121.1474
14 MAHARASHTRA 565,184.0000 530485.0649 120237.7534 120237.7534 18280.8535 18280.8535 391966.4580 391966.4580 442875.0628 442872.1628 71049.6131 71049.6131 14907.4655 14901.4155 1652.9235 1652.9235
15 MANIPUR 58,690.0000 58689.9000 2.5000 2.5000 62.6000 62.6000 58624.8000 58624.8000 6661.0490 6661.0490 5258.5510 5258.5510 46229.3370 46229.3370 540.9630 540.9630
16 MEGHALAYA 62,730.0000 62719.1920 9511.3200 9511.3200 3289.6800 3289.6800 49918.1920 49918.1920 29538.9330 29375.9330 1.5000 1.5000 25066.6900 23816.7200 8112.0690 8112.0690
17 MIZORAM 49,600.0000 49411.9000 4855.5000 4950.5000 10819.7600 10796.2600 33736.6400 33665.1400 29384.9400 29368.5400 510.0000 510.0000 14906.6200 14913.6200 4610.3400 4610.3400
18 NAGALAND 32,000.0000 31999.9300 369.8400 4431.5160 0 4.7000 31630.0900 27563.7140 7274.5000 7238.1100 9.4100 5.8100 24701.4200 24446.2300 14.6000 14.6000
19 ODISHA 293,507.0000 293218.9565 45934.7955 46007.6645 10870.8061 10870.0991 236413.3549 236341.1929 162046.3608 162071.9768 117202.9305 117167.7065 11345.9414 11345.7014 2623.7238 2623.7238
20 PUNJAB 28,867.0000 28867.0000 7943.6695 7941.1595 5382.4427 5385.9295 15540.8878 15539.9110 21131.7968 21129.0868 6571.6022 6571.1022 337.3490 337.3490 826.2520 826.2520
21 RAJASTHAN 769,381.0000 750553.1076 208349.5173 210368.7544 101185.2263 101271.2567 441018.3640 438913.0965 564155.1617 564058.7709 171725.7411 171684.4203 8198.6087 8198.6087 6473.5961 6401.9216
22 SIKKIM 20,000.0000 19975.7480 2.6180 0 10.9696 0.4829 19962.1604 19975.2651 15761.6836 15762.3896 3976.4055 3974.9035 227.6404 227.6404 10.0185 10.0185
23 TAMIL NADU 135,330.0000 135317.1405 65970.2190 65970.2190 4284.1275 4284.1275 65062.7940 65062.7940 113878.6239 113875.2039 17398.8416 17398.8416 125.0350 125.0350 3914.6400 3914.6400
24 TELANGANA 146,686.0000 146686.0000 46996.0100 46996.0100 8894.6000 8894.0800 90795.3900 90795.9100 122648.9200 122637.1600 17930.6500 17933.4100 727.8300 727.8300 5378.6000 5378.6000
25 TRIPURA 32,000.0000 32000.0000 17791.3711 17803.9011 2031.0792 2029.8292 12177.5497 12166.2697 22232.8546 22198.9046 1868.3717 1868.3717 6241.9050 6241.9050 1656.8687 1656.8687
26 UT of JAMMU AND KASHMIR 69,493.0000 69493.4000 20062.2070 20722.4320 5685.3695 6232.2195 43745.8235 42538.7485 36534.2307 36486.4307 15392.1598 15319.1598 11058.1491 10606.1491 6508.8604 6508.8604
27 UT of LADAKH 21,738.0000 21735.2054 1091.3040 1091.3040 8395.3783 8395.3783 12248.5231 12248.5231 1198.9786 1198.9786 1215.2629 1215.2629 18221.9639 18221.9639 1099.0000 1099.0000
28 UTTARAKHAND 70,231.0000 70231.0000 1028.5890 1027.3070 35.2260 777.1410 69167.1850 68426.7100 30071.4471 30172.9031 9123.1480 9123.1480 27409.8732 27301.7962 3626.5317 3623.3017
29 UTTAR PRADESH 263,943.0000 239402.2156 79120.9866 81362.3585 43893.9401 43920.8501 116387.2889 114119.0070 228377.2211 228349.4151 5844.9414 5844.9414 2023.2084 2022.8164 3156.8447 3156.8447
30 WEST BENGAL 129,200.0000 129200.0000 7706.1907 7706.1907 352.7585 352.7585 121141.0508 121141.0508 115551.0909 115545.4529 10781.0911 10781.0911 571.5692 571.5692 2296.2488 2297.1798
Grand Total 5,073,994.0000 4958390.6360 1208803.5390 1226582.1670 358706.7680 360110.7165 3390876.7490 3371694.3305 3405987.7793 3405953.7578 960368.2615 959389.9646 425324.7180 422225.6490 166709.8772 166202.1092