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Report O3- Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as on date for Project

Report as on: 29/09/2024 09:49 PM

Project:- DIBANG VALLEY-WDC - 1 /2021-22
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Forest Land type Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
ANINI-MEPI MIPI Alombro 1 126.00 Assured Irrigation Community Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Cereals 41.00 101.00 8.00 33,128
Pulses 15.00 48.00 10.00 7,200
Horticulture 16.00 40.00 12.00 7,680
Others 12.00 28.00 9.00 3,024
AGRIM VALLEY Atoto No Irrigation Multiple Crop Rabi Horticulture 166.00 100.00 20.00 332,000
Kharif Horticulture 180.00 80.00 15.00 216,000
Summer Others 154.00 95.00 12.00 175,560
2 500.00 Protective Irrigation Rabi Pasture 170.00 98.00 8.00 133,280
Kharif Horticulture 190.00 105.00 12.00 239,400
Summer Others 140.00 76.00 8.00 85,120
ETALIN MALINYE MALINYE Maliney 3 1000.00 Assured Irrigation Rabi Horticulture 750.00 400.00 10.00 3,000,000
Kharif Plantation 150.00 70.00 10.00 105,000
Summer Others 100.00 65.00 9.00 58,500
Total2084.00 1306.00 143.004,395,892
Grand Total1626.00 2084.001306.00 143.004,395,892