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Watershed Development Component of PMKSY

The Department has been implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) ‘Integrated Watershed Management Programme’ (IWMP) since 2009-10, which was amalgamated as the Watershed Development Component of PMKSY (WDC-PMKSY) in 2015-16. The continuation of WDC-PMKSY has been allowed by Government of India on 15.12.2021 as ‘WDC-PMKSY 2.0’ for the project period of 2021-2026 with a physical target of 49.50 lakh ha and indicative Central financial outlay of Rs. 8,134 crore. The unit cost of projects has been revised upward from Rs 12,000/ha to Rs 22,000/ha for plain areas, and Rs 15,000/ha to Rs 28,000/ha for the difficult areas and LWE areas. The States/UTs have been asked to use GIS and Remote Sensing techniques for better planning of projects. The States/UTs have also been suggested to map activities from other sectors which could be taken up within the project areas for better convergence in a saturation mode. The project period has been reduced from existing 4 - 7 years to 3 - 5 years. On the recommendations of NITI Aayog, rejuvenation of Springshed has been incorporated as a new activity in the WDC-PMKSY 2.0 within the approved cost. Till date DoLR has sanctioned projects to States/UTs covering entire physical target of land under the WDC-PMKSY 2.0 and the process of release of Central grant is under way.


Objectives of watershed development projects are to improve productive potential of rainfed / degraded land through integrated watershed management; to strengthen community based local institutions for promotion of livelihoods & watershed sustainability, and to improve the efficiency of watershed projects through cross learning and incentive mechanism.

Next Generation Watershed Dev – Shift in Approach
  • Emphasis on effective use of rain water - relying more on water productivity
  • Transition from predominantly mechanical/engineering treatments towards more of biological measures
  • Diligent planning for crop systems diversification for risk management; enhancing productivity and opting for crop alignment as a principle.
  • Diversification of the watershed economy by adopting Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) with horticulture, afforestation, fisheries, animal husbandry, apiculture, sericulture etc.
  • Adaptation and mitigation of adverse impacts of climate variability & change
  • Economically vibrant institutions, like FPOs, to promote agri-business services and impart efficiency to transactions
  • Ecology, Economy and Equity
  • Focus on decentralization, flexibility, community empowerment in the planning process to accommodate local, social and traditional strengths
  • Rejuvenation of springs by taking up comprehensive treatment of springsheds as an activity under watershed development projects
  • Knowledge partnership with National level reputed institutions for capacity building and innovations.
Cost Norms
  • The unit cost for watershed development projects under WDC-PMKSY2.0:
  • Rs.22,000/ha for plain areas,
  • Rs.28,000/ha for hilly & difficult areas (desert areas)
  • upto Rs. 28,000/ha for LWE/IAP Districts
  • Any cost over and above the cost norm to be borne by the State Governments and through convergence
  • States/UTs may consider effective convergence with relevant central and State schemes to ensure comprehensive development
  • Mapping of resources from other ongoing schemes, followed by approval of SLNA will form a way forward
End Results
  • Planned works and activities successfully completed, and visible reduction in soil erosion, increase in ground water table, and enhanced green cover over both arable and non-arable lands surfaces in the project area.
  • The Gram Panchayat has willingly taken over operation and maintenance responsibility of assets created and transferred to them.
  • Community organizations namely, FPO, WDF, SHGs, User Groups etc. are operating well
  • The FPO has large number of shareholding members and a healthy capital base; and has well managed Custom Hiring Centre (CHC), Input Sale Outlet, basic agri-logistic infrastructure and market facilitation for local agri-commodities.
  • Increases in the productivity levels of various crops and livestock
  • Alternate livelihood options for all members of project community – farmers, landless agricultural labours, livestock keepers, artisans etc.
  • The project community finds value in sustaining the treated land areas under projects and is well capacitated to manage it as a collective group.
  • Increase in cropping intensity, greater diversification of agricultural production system, and the total agricultural output rises substantively.
  • Various regulatory norms for use of water (viz water budgeting) and access to usufructs rights over assets are in place, and are adhered to by the local communities.
  • Increase in average income of the households in the project area.
  • The project communities adopt watershed project to ensure economic growth and ecological rejuvenation of the landscape