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Report O3- Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as on date for Project

Report as on: 29/09/2024 09:49 PM

District:- SOLAN
Project:- SOLAN-WDC - 1 /2021-22
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Forest Land type Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
NALAGARH CHHIYACHHI Hathyora (197) 12 600.00 Assured Irrigation Private abc Cultivable Wasteland Single Crop Cereals 400.00 12.00 1200.00 5,760,000
13 400.00 vcf Cereals 300.00 12.00 23.00 82,800
Total700.00 24.00 1223.005,842,800
Grand Total1000.00 700.0024.00 1223.005,842,800