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Report O3- Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as on date for Project

Report as on: 29/09/2024 09:48 PM

State:- UT of LADAKH
District:- LEH LADAKH
Project:- LEH LADAKH-WDC - 3 /2022-23
All area in ha.
All amounts are in Rs.
Block Gram Panchayat Village Plot/Gata No. Plot Area Irrigation Status Ownership Owner Name Classification of Land No. of Crop Forest Land type Season Crop Type Area (Col-A) Crop Production per Hectare (in Quintal)
Avg. Income per Quintal
Total Income (A*B*C)
Saspol ALCHI Alchi 4/2 23.00 Protective Irrigation 0
Total0 0 00
Grand Total23.00 00 00