A- A A+ English Hindi
Report O4- State wise Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status
Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status for District "ALWAR"

Report as on: 20/01/2025 11:29 AM

District:- ALWAR
All area in ha.
All amounts are Rs. in Lakh
S.No. Project Plot Area Classification of Grossed Cropped Area Net Sown Area Grossed Cropped Area Total Income
Cultivable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Others
As on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 ALWAR-WDC - 1 /2021-22 5540.0000 16.3200 16.3200 37.3274 37.3274 6042.6161 6042.6161 7.4800 7.4800 4163.0575 4163.0575 6103.7435 6103.7435 4,538.4 4,538.4
2 ALWAR-WDC - 2 /2021-22 5154.5800 2.7200 2.7200 7.2800 7.2800 3433.8630 3433.8630 841.8400 841.8400 2459.0700 2459.0700 4285.7030 4285.7030 1,932.11 1,932.11
3 ALWAR-WDC - 3 /2021-22 4956.0000 16.2000 16.2000 4.2200 4.2200 1779.0310 1779.0310 4010.6760 4010.6760 2954.0300 2954.0300 5810.1270 5810.1270 8,895.31 8,895.31
4 ALWAR-WDC - 4 /2021-22 5000.0000 0 0 5.3800 5.3800 2739.6230 2739.6230 2855.8480 2855.8480 3064.2530 3064.2530 5600.8510 5600.8510 3,630.25 3,630.25
5 ALWAR-WDC - 5 /2021-22 5032.0000 3.7500 3.7500 0.4000 0.4000 1488.4026 1488.4026 1959.5748 1959.5748 2016.8612 2016.8612 3452.1274 3452.1274 2,153.57 2,153.57
6 ALWAR-WDC - 6 /2021-22 5656.0000 13.7000 13.7000 2.4200 2.4200 2265.7480 2265.7480 6503.8330 6503.8330 4291.5825 4291.5825 8785.7010 8785.7010 7,751.03 7,751.03
7 ALWAR-WDC - 7 /2021-22 4020.0000 145.3040 145.3040 109.2800 109.2800 349.6576 349.6576 2516.6825 2516.6825 1609.2117 1609.2117 3120.9241 3120.9241 3,403.82 3,403.82
Grand Total 35,358.5800 197.9940 197.9940 166.3074 166.3074 18,098.9413 18,098.9413 18,695.9343 18,695.9343 20,558.0659 20,558.0659 37,159.1770 37,159.1770 32,304.48 32,304.48