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Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status

Report as on: 10/12/2024 05:35 AM

State:- UTTARAKHAND All area in ha.
All amounts are Rs. in Lakh
S.No. District Plot Area Classification of Grossed Cropped Area Net Sown Area Grossed Cropped Area Total Income
Cultivable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Others
As on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 ALMORA 25510.0000 3.3510 3.3510 4.8780 5.8917 3211.1199 3761.2739 0 0 2567.4355 2882.1179 3219.3489 3770.5166 2,426.92 2,664.17
2 PAURI GARHWAL 22571.0000 0 78.4467 3.7765 51.1115 4606.1554 4660.3137 0 0.1000 2202.6884 2321.4502 4609.9319 4789.9719 587.54 622.15
3 PITHORAGARH 22150.0000 0.0120 52.8570 3.6842 3.6842 12494.9512 12496.9879 0.3950 0.3950 6421.1676 6432.7764 12499.0424 12553.9241 12,790.31 12,829.53
Grand Total 70,231.0000 3.3630 134.6547 12.3387 60.6874 20,312.2265 20,918.5755 0.3950 0.4950 11,191.2915 11,636.3445 20,328.3232 21,114.4126 15,804.77 16,115.85