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Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status

Report as on: 10/12/2024 03:52 AM

State:- UT of LADAKH All area in ha.
All amounts are Rs. in Lakh
S.No. District Plot Area Classification of Grossed Cropped Area Net Sown Area Grossed Cropped Area Total Income
Cultivable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Others
As on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 KARGIL 10868.5456 382.0419 382.0419 1.2000 1.2000 0 0 361.7480 361.7480 744.9899 744.9899 744.9899 744.9899 94.67 94.67
2 LEH LADAKH 10866.6598 2506.6920 2506.6920 0 0 0 0 2696.8702 2696.8702 4637.0457 4637.0457 5203.5622 5203.5622 342.62 342.62
Grand Total 21,735.2054 2,888.7339 2,888.7339 1.2000 1.2000 0.0000 0.0000 3,058.6182 3,058.6182 5,382.0356 5,382.0356 5,948.5521 5,948.5521 437.29 437.29