A- A A+ English Hindi
Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status

Report as on: 10/12/2024 04:23 AM

State:- NAGALAND All area in ha.
All amounts are Rs. in Lakh
S.No. District Plot Area Classification of Grossed Cropped Area Net Sown Area Grossed Cropped Area Total Income
Cultivable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Others
As on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 KIPHIRE 4000.0000 0 11.0000 0 0 1163.3000 1156.0300 0 0 1163.3000 1167.0300 1163.3000 1167.0300 113.32 112.63
2 KOHIMA 3000.0000 0.4000 0.9000 0 0 80.5100 80.5100 0 0 80.9100 81.4100 80.9100 81.4100 6.09 6.09
3 MOKOKCHUNG 3000.0000 8.4000 11.0600 0 0 25.7500 32.9200 0 0 34.1500 43.9800 34.1500 43.9800 55.64 55.64
4 NOKLAK 3000.0000 0 2.5000 0 0 62.4100 95.0400 0 0 62.4100 97.5400 62.4100 97.5400 9.64 10.74
5 PEREN 4000.0000 0 300.1380 0 0 389.9210 327.0160 0 0 389.9210 471.1120 389.9210 627.1540 141.22 174.13
6 PHEK 4999.9300 0 8.5800 0 0 88.2000 91.5000 0 0 88.2000 100.0800 88.2000 100.0800 26.98 26.8
7 SHAMATOR 400.0000 0 41.9100 0 0 0.8000 8.3000 0 0 0.8000 50.2100 0.8000 50.2100 0.65 4.4
8 TUENSANG 3600.0000 0 204.7700 0 0 271.3000 396.9700 0 0 271.3000 601.7400 271.3000 601.7400 90.18 103.75
9 WOKHA 3000.0000 1.1700 14.5800 0 0 154.3700 171.3300 0 0 155.5400 185.9100 155.5400 185.9100 59.15 136.52
10 ZUNHEBOTO 3000.0000 45.8400 45.8400 0 0 116.6300 111.2800 0 0 162.4700 157.1200 162.4700 157.1200 39.28 38.42
Grand Total 31,999.9300 55.8100 641.2780 0.0000 0.0000 2,353.1910 2,470.8960 0.0000 0.0000 2,409.0010 2,956.1320 2,409.0010 3,112.1740 542.15 669.11