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Report O4- Details of Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status

Report as on: 10/12/2024 05:33 AM

State:- SIKKIM All area in ha.
All amounts are Rs. in Lakh
S.No. District Plot Area Classification of Grossed Cropped Area Net Sown Area Grossed Cropped Area Total Income
Cultivable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Others
As on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 Mangan 5583.2174 1.8890 1.8010 59.9342 59.7762 4003.6758 3999.9548 31.8660 31.8660 4097.3650 4093.3980 4097.3650 4093.3980 1,623.5 1,622.38
2 Namchi 3349.0000 1.4860 1.4860 13.6814 13.6814 2426.0114 2424.3697 13.2315 13.2315 2454.4103 2452.7686 2454.4103 2452.7686 371.03 370.84
3 Pakyong 4241.0000 0.3868 0.3868 0.2605 0.2605 2225.7206 2225.3146 8.1613 8.1613 2234.5292 2234.1232 2234.5292 2234.1232 698.67 698.38
4 Soreng 6802.5306 1.0480 1.0480 2.5055 2.5055 4820.0835 4813.5215 3.5054 3.5054 4827.1424 4820.5804 4827.1424 4820.5804 798.06 796.99
Grand Total 19,975.7480 4.8098 4.7218 76.3816 76.2236 13,475.4913 13,463.1606 56.7642 56.7642 13,613.4469 13,600.8702 13,613.4469 13,600.8702 3,491.26 3,488.59