A- A A+ English Hindi
Report O4- State wise Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status
Report O4- State wise Comparison of Distribution of Gross Cropped Area as Per Classification of Land, Net Sown Area, Gross Cropped Area and Total Income as On Date with Baseline Status

Report as on: 11/02/2025 02:12 PM

All area in ha.
All amounts are Rs. in Lakh
S.No. State Plot Area Classification of Land(Cropped Area) Net Sown Area Grossed Cropped Area Total Income
Cultivable Wasteland Degraded Land Rainfed Others
As on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on dateAs on BaselineAs on date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 244340.8000 383.2000 941.9700 56.0400 48.2700 184942.3750 183712.9220 228.6100 234.0100 185497.6150 183866.1800 185610.2250 184937.1720 151,877.75 151,719.74
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 150915.0000 40268.7500 39118.7500 1414.0000 1418.0000 9254.0000 9254.0000 347.0000 347.0000 42895.7500 42248.7500 51283.7500 50137.7500 5,096.99 5,108.88
3 ASSAM 128575.0400 7136.2100 7136.2100 365.4500 365.4500 96177.2100 95390.2400 687.0000 687.0000 99536.3100 98734.3400 104365.8700 103578.9000 33,185.47 32,609.67
4 BIHAR 148786.1858 7161.1541 7161.1541 139.3704 139.3704 98055.7991 98046.8272 182.2459 182.2459 71473.3916 71464.5126 105538.5695 105529.5976 2,429,419.7 2,429,415.87
5 CHHATTISGARH 250010.5235 11537.7570 11537.7570 4389.3840 4389.3840 94357.2887 94357.1587 2725.6270 2725.6270 108795.0597 108794.9297 113010.0567 113009.9267 74,439.53 74,439.42
6 GOA 19984.9411 12.4625 12.4625 1.1925 1.1925 9775.5785 9775.5785 0.0550 0.0550 9680.2493 9680.2493 9789.2885 9789.2885 9,074.52 9,074.52
7 GUJARAT 292334.9700 7460.0200 7459.6200 151.2000 115.0400 158472.7500 158469.8200 4814.7100 4814.7100 142859.1300 142819.6400 170898.6800 170859.1900 260,248.96 256,320.59
8 HARYANA 31220.7139 183.4225 183.4225 45.7850 45.7850 43584.1938 43584.1938 2209.1060 2209.1060 24257.1159 24257.1159 46022.5073 46022.5073 31,407.32 31,407.32
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 54000.3375 4984.5262 4984.5262 61.0550 60.9660 18156.6442 18156.6887 637.6547 637.6547 13792.3372 13792.2927 23839.8801 23839.8356 35,936.78 35,936.77
10 JHARKHAND 144431.9443 6233.4080 6290.2972 65.0604 78.0320 38023.7880 40446.1939 3001.0216 3003.3806 43692.6922 46179.8019 47323.2780 49817.9037 11,838.89 12,969.2
11 KARNATAKA 287104.7491 225.0700 239.0700 556.1940 556.1940 246267.6992 246108.3292 3839.7300 3746.0000 211563.6402 211343.3402 250888.6932 250649.5932 659,615.33 650,643.87
12 KERALA 26162.7687 0.4200 0.4200 3.9800 3.9800 10623.2794 10623.2794 2.3045 2.3045 10612.8083 10612.8083 10629.9839 10629.9839 57,605.82 57,605.82
13 MADHYA PRADESH 510536.9016 7267.0509 7266.2109 3675.3205 3675.3205 293419.8420 293423.5610 6173.0448 6173.0448 245917.6730 245905.9850 310538.7582 310538.1372 139,707.73 139,706.74
14 MAHARASHTRA 530485.0649 3286.1256 3278.2029 2501.3210 2501.3210 435684.4978 435755.7417 9367.1240 9369.4840 336604.1648 336625.6060 450839.0684 450904.7496 610,035.69 608,970.52
15 MANIPUR 58689.9000 32.5000 32.5000 0.2500 0.2500 11176.0901 11176.0901 2.1000 2.1000 11210.9401 11210.9401 11210.9401 11210.9401 9,041.75 9,041.75
16 MEGHALAYA 62719.1920 708.0400 604.5900 12.0000 12.0000 14730.6420 14686.1420 6.3200 6.3200 12541.7960 12402.8460 15457.0020 15309.0520 38,795.14 38,713.08
17 MIZORAM 49411.9000 1663.5200 1663.5200 1273.2500 1273.2500 8288.5300 8284.1300 4.0000 4.0000 10983.1000 10977.7000 11229.3000 11224.9000 28,530.36 28,529.58
18 NAGALAND 31999.9300 55.8100 641.2780 0 0 2353.1910 2470.8960 0 0 2409.0010 2956.1320 2409.0010 3112.1740 542.15 669.11
19 ODISHA 293218.9565 15886.5810 15893.7670 4628.4812 4628.5612 73301.3406 73344.4611 2259.2958 2261.4068 91767.5871 91781.2588 96075.6986 96128.1961 48,138.62 48,598.16
20 PUNJAB 28867.0000 1430.2516 1431.9616 605.1272 605.1272 18419.5062 18404.3558 8765.3597 8765.3597 16466.5628 16457.2724 29220.2447 29206.8043 30,661.36 30,657.42
21 RAJASTHAN 750553.1076 27564.0210 26668.9590 2790.8278 2792.7378 413126.2946 414167.9047 180654.8440 180696.8960 403890.6606 403974.1122 624160.9874 624333.4975 376,573.86 377,096.58
22 SIKKIM 19975.7480 4.8098 4.7218 76.3816 76.2236 13475.4913 13463.1606 56.7642 56.7642 13613.4469 13600.8702 13613.4469 13600.8702 3,491.26 3,488.59
23 TAMIL NADU 135317.1405 1470.9900 1470.9900 65.9650 66.2650 87299.3980 87296.9180 895.9300 895.9300 89268.7130 89266.5330 89732.2830 89730.1030 70,765.54 70,764.31
24 TELANGANA 146686.0000 1583.1100 1583.1100 228.2500 228.2500 102311.4400 102299.1600 2287.7500 2287.7500 106241.5800 106229.3000 106410.5500 106398.2700 113,187.62 113,180.08
25 TRIPURA 32000.0000 942.8250 943.1450 125.4420 130.3220 15215.1652 14940.0462 0.7000 0.7300 16151.8702 15465.9922 16284.1322 16014.2432 17,750 17,942.66
26 UT of JAMMU AND KASHMIR 69493.4000 12564.0670 12628.9570 1783.6000 1798.1000 12434.6383 12447.6383 762.9373 754.9373 23943.5101 23967.0501 27545.2426 27629.6326 28,228.48 29,159.53
27 UT of LADAKH 21735.2054 2888.7339 2888.7339 1.2000 1.2000 0 0 3058.6182 3058.6182 5382.0356 5382.0356 5948.5521 5948.5521 437.29 437.29
28 UTTARAKHAND 70231.0000 3.3630 135.3847 12.3387 60.6874 20312.2265 20893.3271 0.3950 0.4950 11191.2915 11623.3501 20328.3232 21089.8942 15,804.77 16,118.25
29 UTTAR PRADESH 239402.2156 40114.7548 40118.9958 8535.1944 8537.4934 137686.0651 140382.7990 52892.9954 53114.0704 182636.6343 182357.4331 239229.0097 242154.8786 99,567.25 103,017.43
30 WEST BENGAL 129200.0000 5226.0458 5226.0458 16.1927 16.1927 54258.7132 54155.9368 5653.4213 5653.4213 65020.1730 64917.3966 65154.3730 65051.5966 19,114.69 19,108.46
Grand Total 4,958,390.6360 208,278.9997 207,546.7329 33,579.8534 33,624.9657 2,721,183.6778 2,725,517.4998 291,516.6644 291,690.4214 2,609,896.8394 2,608,895.7740 3,254,587.6953 3,258,388.1398 5,410,120.65 5,402,451.21