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Report O9- State-wise, Year-wise and Quarter-wise Achievements on Output Outcome Monitoring Framework(OOMF) Indicators
Report O9- State-wise, Year-wise and Quarter-wise Achievements on Output Outcome Monitoring Framework(OOMF) Indicators

State * Financial Year * Quarter *      

State :   Financial Year :   Quarter : All Area in Ha.
S.No. State Name Area of degraded land covered/Rainfed area developed Area covered with soil and moisture conservation activities Area brought under plantation (Afforestation/Horticulture) No. of water harvesting structure (created/renovated) No. of farmers benefited Area brought under protective irrigation (created/renovated) No. of man-days generated Additional area brought under diversified crops/change in cropping system Area brought from no crop/single crop to single/multiple crop Increase in cropped area Average Increase in farmers income (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13