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Report SB4 - District wise Distribution of Area According to Crop Type as per Baseline Survey

Report as on: 07/02/2025 01:04 AM

State: HARYANA All area in ha. And All Production in unit Quintal
S.No. District Name Total Project Area Plot Area Crop Type
Cereals Pulses Oil seeds Fiber Crops Pastures Horticultures Plantation Others
Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production
1 BHIWANI 8,027.0000 8026.9995 3681.2420 57716.69 41.8400 301.18 4803.5960 27970.15 4075.4180 3120.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 CHARKI DADRI 4,141.0000 4141.0000 3902.2981 64121.00 17.3630 471.00 2297.9431 24831.50 1346.4890 3010.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1820 18.00
3 GURUGRAM 5,829.0000 5828.7874 4689.6228 282485.68 8.8100 3067.27 768.4221 32837.55 235.2325 4966.70 0.3775 10.15 0 0 0.4000 20.75 3619.4562 112565.98
4 MAHENDRAGARH 7,676.0000 7675.9270 5466.2762 261289.00 154.6350 1700.00 4627.4815 177670.84 837.6348 2448.00 0 0 2.8000 220.00 0 0 342.9675 4933.00
5 YAMUNANAGAR 5,548.0000 5548.0000 3567.8700 187383.00 1.9500 106.00 307.7500 4305.00 1.3500 812.00 1.1500 232.00 4.7500 1260.00 501.5000 91572.00 714.7000 390497.00
Grand Total 31,221.0000 31220.7139 21307.3091 852995.37 224.5980 5645.45 12805.1927 267615.04 6496.1243 14358.08 1.5275 242.15 7.5500 1480.00 501.9000 91592.75 4678.3057 508013.98