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Report SB4 - District wise Distribution of Area According to Crop Type as per Baseline Survey

Report as on: 07/02/2025 12:40 AM

State: UT of LADAKH All area in ha. And All Production in unit Quintal
S.No. District Name Total Project Area Plot Area Crop Type
Cereals Pulses Oil seeds Fiber Crops Pastures Horticultures Plantation Others
Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production
1 KARGIL 10,869.0000 10868.5456 700.9936 6229.43 0.9280 23.50 1.0230 15.50 0 0 0.2341 12.20 1.7460 50.00 0.3000 15.00 39.7652 604.50
2 LEH LADAKH 10,869.0000 10866.6598 2293.2885 1012.00 0.0100 7.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2910.2637 759.00
Grand Total 21,738.0000 21735.2054 2994.2821 7241.43 0.9380 30.50 1.0230 15.50 0 0 0.2341 12.20 1.7460 50.00 0.3000 15.00 2950.0289 1363.50