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Report SB4 - District wise Distribution of Area According to Crop Type as per Baseline Survey

Report as on: 07/02/2025 12:54 AM

State: PUNJAB All area in ha. And All Production in unit Quintal
S.No. District Name Total Project Area Plot Area Crop Type
Cereals Pulses Oil seeds Fiber Crops Pastures Horticultures Plantation Others
Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production Area Production
1 HOSHIARPUR 8,600.0000 8600.0000 10069.9300 797418.85 3.8850 295.00 9.0000 1225.00 229.5097 207263.00 37.1300 53125.00 10.3600 3734.00 191.2100 625469.00 824.8540 552783.00
2 PATHANKOT 5,050.0000 5050.0000 5512.4800 28892.25 302.0400 2409.85 265.6000 1940.70 0 0 0 0 133.5100 14865.00 322.3200 16206.50 1204.2900 111923.00
3 RUPNAGAR 9,013.0000 9013.0000 6429.7191 1217103.46 32.4310 8542.10 68.9695 10559.50 0.9700 1115.00 265.0790 1140951.65 28.8545 324966.00 29.6280 28222.00 116.7060 124902.00
4 S.A.S Nagar 3,046.0000 3046.0000 580.0728 47137.00 0.3390 55.00 11.9453 608.00 0 0 2.3348 7535.00 20.2376 10649.00 0 0 0 0
5 Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar 3,158.0000 3158.0000 1332.6720 1706457.00 3.8900 794.00 44.2220 312709.00 0.0600 5.00 0.6600 255.00 1.0100 3211.50 232.3150 970780.00 902.0104 834078.00
Grand Total 28,867.0000 28867.0000 23924.8739 3797008.56 342.5850 12095.95 399.7368 327042.20 230.5397 208383.00 305.2038 1201866.65 193.9721 357425.50 775.4730 1640677.50 3047.8604 1623686.00