A- A A+ English Hindi
Report PF3- State-wise Project Expenditure
State: UTTARAKHAND All amounts are Rs.
S.No. District Name District Expenditure Block Expenditure Gram Expenditure Village Expenditure Total Transactions Transactions Mapped with Project Transactions Mapped with Work-Id
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 ALMORA 353,141,891.00 4,135,410.00 0.00 1,742,130.00 3884 0 0
2 PAURI GARHWAL 141,879,954.00 16,775,308.00 49,763.00 99,196,673.00 2908 1 0
3 PITHORAGARH 186,196,588.00 1,559,181.00 118,691.00 51,015,203.00 1720 0 0
Grand Total 681218433.00 22469899.00 168454.00 151954006.00 8512 1 0