A- A A+ English Hindi
Report PF3- State-wise Project Expenditure
State: TRIPURA All amounts are Rs.
S.No. District Name District Expenditure Block Expenditure Gram Expenditure Village Expenditure Total Transactions Transactions Mapped with Project Transactions Mapped with Work-Id
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Dhalai 52,075,269.50 16,015,783.00 1,208,900.00 0.00 192 95 0
2 Gomati 10,982,570.00 0.00 0.00 93,714,312.00 455 240 0
3 Khowai 55,638,327.00 732,993.00 1,456,020.00 17,259,655.00 309 73 0
4 North Tripura 128,129,084.00 0.00 0.00 9,671,670.00 168 73 0
5 Sepahijala 24,435,356.00 0.00 0.00 17,168,520.00 90 13 0
6 South Tripura 27,976,045.00 18,326,581.00 0.00 0.00 248 186 0
7 Unakoti 21,343,480.00 41,795.00 0.00 11,345,625.00 167 117 0
8 West Tripura 20,475,976.00 0.00 1,045,318.00 14,955,859.00 188 98 0
Grand Total 341056107.50 35117152.00 3710238.00 164115641.00 1817 895 0